

<font color="#ffff00">-==- proudly presents

The BizJet InternationalĀ“s comprises the Airbus company jet fleet - ACJ318, ACJ319, ACJ320 and ACJ321 - as well as the Airbus' Airbus Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 BBJ families. It is also one of only two Rolls-Royce Group member firms to run a Rolls-Royce Tay and Spey engine reconditioning centre.

Incorporated in 1986 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, the firm quickly made a name for itself around the world by focussing on executive and corporate jets as well as Rolls-Royce mid-range thrusters. On an area of around 85,000 mĀ², the enterprise has more than 34,200 m of hall area with all the necessary garages for cab fittings and motor overhaul.

Now BizJet International also equips Airbus ACJ318 aircraft with luxurious cabins for their VIPs. In order to accelerate manufacturing, the firm has broken new ground by substituting DFC (Decorative Foil Coating) for timber in its panelling, a much more lightweight and versatile product that also provides a long lifespan.

The Tulsa site has also been used as the basis for motor disassembly since April 2014. Overall responsability for the Teardown to Plus system remains with Motor Component Repair in Hamburg. BizJet International will be able to dismantle more than 120 motors per year from 2016.

As a result, the number of deliveries to the Hamburg motor parts repairs shops will be increased, as will availability of excess material. BizJet International's favourable geographical location in the centre of North America means that the company's clientele comprises clients from Canada and Central and South America.

Rolls-Royce's Tay 650 powerplant has also been added to its Rolls-Royce registrations, enabling the airline to serve other major global markets. With its focus on a specialised niche store, early investments in the development of infrastructures and store fittings and the education of qualified employees, the firm is very well positioned in the B2B and executive segments.

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