Taxi Service Barcelona
Barcelona taxi serviceTaxi in Barcelona
There are plenty of taxi cabs in Barcelona, there is a steady flow of them assigned by a Marshall at the airport, and they can be found in all tiers of the town. There is only ONE type of taxi in Barcelona, and no matter which firm they work for, they are all lacquered either red, blue or blue (note that makes and types of cars differ, this image is just an example of how they are lacquered).
The T4 - Standard fare between the airports and the cruising terminal. There is a starting fee of 2,10 for T1 and 2 and 2,30 for T3. The starting fare for a taxi is T1-3,40?, T2-4,20?, T3-4,50?. It is a 39? flat fare between the cruising terminal and the international airports, which includes:
Harbour and aerodrome surcharges. Use the following link for more information about the taxi-rate. Calculation will include the airport/port/station/congress centre charge if you select it as the origin/destination and use the appropriate fare if you set the date and at. To take a taxi: 1. to welcome it by lifting your hands on the road (green lights means that the taxi is free, if possible call it at the crossroads).
Please click here for a complete taxidispatcher listing. Using an application - Click here for a listing of available applications. Every application works with normal taxi, service like Uber are in Spain illegitimate (the Uber website is jammed, so you get an alert when you try to use it), you need an internet link to use the appe.
Adjusted cabs for persons with limited mobile capacity are also available for the same standard taxi rates. You can find a listing of driver and taxi businesses with modified cars here. It is also very useful in case of problems that have been found or forgotten, as it is provided with the taxi or driving license number.