Air Taxi Operations

Flight taxi operation

Searched only within "Air Taxi Operators and Commercial Operators". "...find out how the air taxi system will work.

" This paper is intended to introduce air taxi operation as a system of systems problem.

Lufttaxi operator law and legal definitions

A taxi operating company is an air carrier which conducts operations on an aeroplane with 30 or fewer passengers occupying a seat and a load carrying capability of 7,500# or less in return for payment or balance. A taxi air taxi company runs on call and does not have the planned qualification of a comuter.

According to 14 CFR 298.21, an air taxi operators is obliged to log on to the Civil Aeronautics Board and update its data every six months. Air taxi companies are not allowed to use large aircrafts and must take out third-party third-party insurances. An air taxi company is defined as any air taxi company which operates at least five round trips per calendar week between two or more points and produces timetables indicating the periods, weekdays and places between which such services are operated.

Lufttaxi operator law and legal definitions

A taxi operating company is an air carrier which conducts operations on an aeroplane with 30 or fewer passengers occupying a seat and a load carrying capability of 7,500# or less in return for payment or balance. A taxi air taxi company runs on call and does not have the planned qualification of a comuter.

According to 14 CFR 298.21, an air taxi operators is obliged to log on to the Civil Aeronautics Board and update its data every six months. Air taxi companies are not allowed to use large aircrafts and must take out third-party third-party insurances. An air taxi company is defined as any air taxi company which operates at least five roundtrips per calendar week between two or more points and produces timetables indicating the periods, weekdays and places between which such services are operated.

Circulars - Air taxi service providers and business users

Hubschrauber are a means to transport humans, who need urgently medical help. Because of the urgency of the mission, these operations are unprecedented. Every year, tens of millions of patients are helicoptered while being cared for by healthcare professionals specially educated to their needs. Air ambulance services for helidroopers ( "HAA") are fitted with health surveillance and supporting equipment to guarantee correct supply along the way.

The implementation of a security policy will be beneficial to all HAA operations. Part-135 subsection letter LS deals with security enhancements for general aviation (GA) operations through demands on aircraft configuration, pilots, alternate aerodromes and elevated minimum meteorological conditions. Much of these requirement also meet the National Transportation Security Board (NTSB) security recommendation to improve HAA security.

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