Arctic Taxi Fairbanks

Artic Taxi Fairbanks

Look for other airport transportation options in Fairbanks on Taxis, shuttles, limousines, Arctic taxis. Arktic Taxi at Cornelia ln, Goldhill Road in AK, Fairbanks. Look who you know at ARCTIC TAXI, INC.

, use your professional network and get hired. The Arctic Taxi is located in Fairbanks, Alaska.

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Arctic National Park & Preserve (U.S. National Park Service)

There are no streets or paths into the Arctic area, so guests have to go by plane or walk into the Arctic area. The entrance to the Parc begins in Fairbanks, Alaska. Several small Fairbanks carriers offer regular departures to the Bettles and Anaktuvuk Pass gateways and stopovers to Coldfoot.

The majority of tourists reach the reserve by taxi, small planes with swimmers or tyres. A further way to reach the reserve is to walk from the Dalton Highway or the Anaktuvuk Pass town. Paths to the reserve and nature reserve are not accessible from anywhere, and rivers are crossed from both the Anaktuvuk Pass and Dalton Highway.

It'?s from Bettles: From Fairbanks it is necessary to take one of the everyday departures as there is no street to this small "bush village". We have several aerial cabs, equipment and cabins in beds, as well as a small shop and mail. Here is the visitor centre of the camp. Guests can take a flight into the gardens from Bethlehem.

Anaktuvuk Pass: There'?s no street to Anaktuvuk Pass. Take one of Fairbanks' everyday air services to this small Nunamuit hamlet and go from the runway to the grounds. Parks guests are welcome to pass through these areas in order to enter the reserve, but should ask for a permit before staying in their home country.

There is a very nice Nunamuit History Museum, a small shop and a mailroom. Travel 280 nautical miles up the Dalton Highway from Fairbanks or take one of the small business airlines to Fairbanks. The Coldfoot has an airport taxi, hotel, shop, café, mail and there are hiking paths and camping sites.

Guests can take a flight into the grounds or walk in from the motorway.

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