Best Light Jet on the Market
The best light beam on the marketApproximately half of the planes it supplied went to individual customers and the other half to commercial customers. HondaJet is endowed with 4.9 million dollars. In spite of a general deceleration of the global commercial jet market, last year's market for " very light " commercial jetliners, such as the HondaJet, increased by 50% over the previous year.
The Washington General Aviation Manufacturers Association reports that a number of 676 commercial aircraft were shipped in 2017, 1.3% more than a year earlier, the first increase in three years. Very light jet carries less than 10 persons, incl. the aviator. Throughout North America and Europe, they are mainly used for interurban traffic and are mainly held by the well-off.
The HondaJet was certified by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration in 2015 and converted into a commercial aircraft this year. Whereas the firm had over 100 orders for the jet, in 2016 it delivered only 23, the first year in which full operation of manufacturing took place. HondaJet is manufactured in the US state of North Carolina, as the USA is the world's biggest market for commercial aircraft.
HondaJet's most remarkable feature, which has seven seating positions, is its uniquely designed motor, which places the motor above the sashes. That gives it more interior room and makes it more quiet than competing airplanes that have power plants mounted on the coach. Honda is the only manufacturer of its own jet power plants among the world' aviation manufacturers and, according to the Honda Group, achieves up to 20% higher levels of diesel efficiencies than its competitors' jetliners.
Soichiro Honda's entry into the aviation industry was a life-long vision of Honda founding father Soichiro Honda. In order to substitute the crisis-ridden Formula 1 automotive industry, the enterprise wants to turn the deal into a new cornerstone of its market segmentation. She wants to turn the enterprise into a new income stream, alongside the automotive and other industries.
In 1986 Honda began the quiet development of jet liners and power plants, but had difficulties due to a shortage of know-how. The company resolved to commercialise aeroplane manufacturing in 2006. President Takeo Fukui later said he wanted the company to supersede F1 as the Honda flagship. HondaJet has concentrated mainly on the US market, but has entered the Asia market in recent years.
At the Singapore Air Show in February, the airline won 16 orders. Gain unmatched insight into Asia, the world's most vibrant market.