Executive Aircraft

corporate jet

Company contact information for EXECUTIVE AIRCRAFT SERVICES in Beirut. Interior fittings for aircraft of the highest quality! It is our goal to offer our clients the highest quality and service levels!

It is our goal to offer our clients the highest standard of service and excellence! Our employees work closely together to fulfill all of our customers' requirements for aircraft cabin space and modernization. Partly or completely, we plan and construct aircraft cabins using high-quality material and workmanship. Clients choose from the best leather, fabric, carpet and laminate.

Rest assured that all our product meets the strict FAA standard. At our site, we work continuously with our clients at all stages of the projects. Only a few easy footsteps away from selecting materials, checking production status and finishing, the client is fully integrated.

Daily shareholding of privately owned jets and aircraft

As the only supplier of fractions of aircraft, Executive AirShare is characterised by a daily programme instead of hours. You are entitled to a large number of whole working hours. On the same aircraft with the same flight attendants. With the same stock volume, you would never receive so many travels outside the hours limit.

There is no need for recharging or a specific tag to travel with a trusted flight attendant or to work with the same committed personnel on all your transaction needs. For us, this is just a simple manual. Do you know that Phenom 100 has the same cross-section as Phenom 300?

Aircraft Services Inc.

With more than 30 years of global business aircraft distribution, leadership, sales, marketing, and consultancy expertise, Executive Aircraft Service is a global leader in the aircraft industry. EAS also offers aircraft inspection and auditing (aircraft and operating safety) capabilities. It is our vision and our aim to be a leading supplier of civil aerospace related products and service. If you are a new or regular customer, you merit nothing less than our best effort and full commitment to use our talent, resource and expertise to do everything we can to make your interactions with EAS extraordinary and worthwhile.

Repeated customers and recommendations...that's one of the reasons why we keep experiencing further expansion when others are struggling in a very expanding, technological and highly competetive business.

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