Locus help

Help Locus

Use the following documents to help you use the LOCUS system. At Locus, we strive to provide our customers with consistent and high quality support. The Locus Map is an application or "app" that can be used on smartphones.

Technical and E-Mail Support

At Locus, we strive to provide our customers with consistently high level customer service and customer service. Outside API patrons can click this document links. If you need immediate assistance, please call us at (877) 562-8736, extension 1 for industrial installations and extension 2 for housing; voice mail will be sent back within one office hours if a sales agent is currently inactive.

ssung class="mw-headline" id="Features">Features

The Locus (full name Locus Map) is a high-performance mapping application that is under active development with an eye on users' responses. Can be used with on-line mapping, similar to the Android Google Spreadsheet application, but supports a large number of mapping vendors, among them several OSM-based service companies. Due to the enhanced off-line function it is also well suitable for low range net cover activity (e.g. hill walking, yachting, kayaking, OpenSeaMap) or those requiring costly S-network routing (e.g. travel).

Due to the sensory assistance, e.g. for recording the pulse frequency, it is well suitable for sport. The Locus provides many useful functions like: Because of Locus' attractiveness and the size of OSM, there was a great need for OSM-generated tile, which caused offical server to strangle and kill.

Locus has been prevented from fully using tileservers because it does not allow overaccess. Locus writer introduced the ability for vendor cards well before the blocks (and repeated to advise the user not to use OSM page frame servers), and vendor card assistance has been tightened so that it may be one of the most useful modes available.

The Vector OSM cards are available for free in various locations, but due to their sizes it is often difficult to accommodate them. You can also create them from the last OSM files and move files to the Locus/VectorMaps/ folder. It is also possible to convert the data with osmosis: osmotic --read-pbf "hungary.osm. pbf" --mapfile-writer file="hungary.osm. map" It is also possible to load pre-compiled cards for off-line use, e.g. for walking, biking or travelling, if no (free) wireless connection to the net is available.

The Locus can use mapsforged vice versa charts. As an example, the cards and themes on http://www.openandromaps. org are intended for walking and biking, but are also suitable for many other kinds of open-air sport. 4UMaps' raster/bitmap/part mapping options, which can be loaded with Locus itself or with Mobile Atlas Creator, can be used for various different applications, e.g. topographical sport charts of 4UMaps that are optimised for backcountry mapping (e.g. contour line, slope shadow and mountain attributes).

The Locus works with OpenSeaMap. locus stocke automatiquement les cartes OpenSeaMap dans le cache de l'appareil lorsque les cartes de l'appareil sont affichées en ligne. All stored maps will then be available off-line. With OpenSeaMap peut être trouvé dans Locus dans le menu "Cartes" (l'icône de la carte dans le coin supérieur droit) : Cela fonctionne bien dans la zone de la maison. However, since only those zoom levels are saved in which the map was viewed online, this is quite time-consuming for foreign areas if you want to save everything from the overview map to the port map.

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