A Cab Wasilla Ak

Cab Wasilla A Ak

Receive information, directions, products, services, phone numbers and reviews about A Cab in Wasilla, AK. No information is available for this business. There are no reviews for ' ' ' yet. We are your first address for professional transports between the Mat-Su valley and Anchorage. Obtain instructions, reviews and information for Valley Cab in Wasilla, AK.

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Tal-Shuttle, Wasilla AK

Hi & Thank you for your visit, our firm is your first address for all your transport needs between Mat-Su Valley and Anchorage. Transfer to and from the Mat-Su valley! Prices from $115 (valid from 12/01/2016) per trip from Anchorage to Palmer/Wasilla for one or two persons from the same site may be applicable to petrol or additional baggage.

Booking required 48 hrs prior to pick-up.

City airport

Vasilla is 17 airline and 47 street kilometres from Anchorage. Closeness to the Cook Inlet changes the temperature with average month peaks in July of 69° C and average December depths of 22° C. Daylight ranges from 5.5 hrs on 21 December to 19.5 hrs on 21 June. During 1993, the aerodrome was moved to a location about 15 min from the city centre.

3,700 feet of paving for general aeronautical runways. Radiocontrolled runways, taxiways and safety lights. Sights within 20 miles:

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