Commercial Aircraft for Sale

Aircrafts for sale

Choose from the commercial aircraft manufacturers below to view aircraft designations by model. Home polls to ban the sale of commercial aircraft to Iran. This republican-run house has taken decisive action to prevent the sale of commercial aircraft to Iran, a move already approved by the Obama Administration and potentially costing millions of US dollar. With the House Bill, the Ministry's September ruling to allow Boeing and Airbus to resell aircraft to Tehran is to be contradicted.

According to the Democrats, the suggested sale could include the acquisition and lease of more than 200 aircraft, which could create hundreds of millions of new employment opportunities. Republicans, however, criticized the sale of planes to a land they say is the lead state supporter of terror, and disregarded United Nations resolution by trying to test missile ballistics.

Iran's atomic treaty with the USA and other global forces ended the Teheran global trade ban and explicitly permitted the sale of commercial aircraft and replacement parts. According to the Ministry of Finance, the licences awarded to Boeing and Airbus contain'strict terms to make sure that the aircraft are used solely for commercial purposes and cannot be sold on or assigned to any particular entity'.

" Peter Roskam, R-Ill., referred to the aircraft sale as a "scandal". "He sharply criticised Boeing and Airbus for trying to do deals with Iran. "It is important to ensure that the US finance system is not involved in this deal," Roskam said. "U "U.S. tax payers must not subsidize this transaction.

" Though Roskam comes from Illinois, where Boeing has its headquarters, the planes the airline wanted to sell to Tehran are manufactured in Washington State. The Democrats threw the bill as another repetitive effort to subvert last year's Iranian atomic treaty and put the Obama government on the spot. a member of the House Intelligence Commitee, said that the bill threw the House back into the "sad and perilous ritual" of considering a move that would cause the United States to breach the Atomic Treaty, which took years to blackmute with global forces, China and Russia included.

Mr Himes also said that the refusal to sell aircraft could lead to 100,000 job losses. In January, the Iran Air company concluded an agreement for the purchase of 118 Airbus aircraft, the value of which is valued at 25 billion dollars. Later Iran cut the number of aircraft to 112. Although Airbus has its headquarters abroad, it needed the permission of the Ministry of Finance, since at least 10 per cent of the manufacturer's parts are of US descent.

According to Boeing's contract, Iran Air will buy 80 aircraft with a combined listed cost of $17. Iran Air will also rent 29 new Boeing 737s, increasing the value of the contract to $25 billion. However, Richard Aboulafia, an aviation and space flight expert with the Teal Group, questioned whether Iran had the cash for so many new aircraft.

Outside creditors are also likely to be suspicious of the endorsement of such large deals because Tehran is not part of an internationally agreed deal known as the Cape Town Convention, which ensures financial backers can take back their jet in the case of insolvency, he said. "Here and now Iran may have the capacity to take in and fund at most a fourth of the aircraft," Aboulafia said, and added that Tehran would probably have to content itself with used and rented aircraft.

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