London Taxi and Private Hire Licence Renewal

Taxi London and private rental license renewal

Riders who renew their private license. TfL feed with news for London taxi and private rental businesses. Taxi TfL and private rental. Ltd. has received a four-month license for private landlords.

"In order to extend your license on-line, please sign up for an on-line registration using the information provided in your renewal package:".

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Uber's London license was extended only for four month | Technology

Uber's licence to work in London has been extended, but only for a four-month term, as the traffic authority continues to discuss whether to issue a five-year licence. Renewal decisions have become the latest focal point of debate over the App-based taxi company, with fare dodgers and trade unionists calling for London based transportation to refuse the request without guarantees of operational and operational integrity.

GMB trade unions and the Association of Registered Taxi Operators have announced that they will take action against the German Taxi Licensing Association (TfL), which has issued a new licence. LTDA has reasoned that Uber is not a suitable company and endangers security, while GMB has requested that GMB provide requirements to ensure the good and safe functioning of driver, passenger and other traffic participants.

Last year, two chauffeurs won in a labour court that decided that their chauffeurs were not self-employed, but employees with vacation and wage claims. About questions the verdict. Über was initially licenced in London in 2012, and its five-year private rental license expires on May 30.

Fare dodgers, however, sentenced the train as a "cowardly decision". We' re saying they're either secure to license or they're not. A further consideration in TfL's considerations is advice on private rental cars. Suggestions could lead to a drastic increase in royalties for Uber and other large private landlords from around £3,000 over five years to more than £2 million.

It will close in June. Late last month, in a letter to all broadcasters, Mr Flynn said that it'considered on a case-by-case analysis whether to grant licenses to private landlords of less length until the result of the consultations was known and any changes introduced.

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