Macbook Air Netbook

New Macbook Air Netbook

Macbook Air can be considered an expensive netbook. Is MacBook Air looking at a netbook? - bulletin boards

At Apple's notebook events in November, they explained that the netbook book is far too small. But have I thought about whether Apple has already penetrated the netbook arena with the introduction of MacBook Air? However, some have said to me that MacBook Air is not a netbook. Is the MacBook Air considering a netbook? .

When requesting engineering assistance, please ensure that you provide all your system information, as well as your OS, your product number, and any other information related to the issue. Is MacBook Air looking at a netbook? Sorry, there was a bug with marking this message. Everything we've thrown at it has been running so far.

Keys on most netbooks: much too terrible to use! It' small and easy, but the keypad is terribly poor! In my view, MacBook Air resolved the netbook keypad issue by providing a FULL keypad that I could use of the following types....... Just the processor alone cost 300 dollars of information, which is as much as with some nicebooks.

I would say the iPod is much nearer to a netbook, a shut down computer that does essential web and e-mail functions. Probably if they made a netbook, they would build it on the iPhone and not on the mac. Netsets make you want more.... One of my friends, who just got a good gig at an IT company in Norway, really wanted a netbook and asked her manager for one.

Instead, he got her a MacBook Air - she can't say she's miserable because she's a Mac musician. I chose the right 10 " Eee PC because of the great display and the true keypad, which allows true tapping and has the keys in the right places (even the 10 " Eee PC has the right move button so poorly placed that tapping is totally impossible).

However, the trouble is that it is so convenient and simple to transport that I want to do more with it than is possible. I' ve got it running binary boot XP and Ubuntu Linux and it works both very well. At Christmas I would also like to try to install Mac OS Winter on it, which supposedly works better than any other netbook, making it quicker than an old G4 PowerBook, supposedly.

Right now, the Sweetspot is probably the Lenovo X200, which hardly outweighs the MSI Wind and is a true notebook: I wouldn't be paying $1800 for a frickin' netbook, even though the Macbook air has similar specifications to a netbook, it's an ultra-portable device that's all about slimness, ease and enterprise-class power, running intense proprietary softwares.

In my opinion, an ultra-portable is almost the opposite of a netbook. For me, a "netbook" in the truest meaning of the term is a small, inexpensive machine that has little flashmemory and above all web-based computer technology to do with. In a way, many smartphones and multimedia devices have come much nearer to a "netbook" than the small devices called XP that are distributed on them and on large disks.

Is MacBook Air looking at a netbook? No, it's too big, I think the monitor must be 10 inch or less, then it's a NetBook. This is my opinion about Netbook: Must have the same sized displays and keyboards. Let us not forgive that the new NetBook Molly Wood is nice, but it is not a computer, because all currently available netbooks are not even ZU for the computer.

It' got to be on sale for about $500-600. The HP Mini-Note, AUS, all fail because they do not fulfill MY demand for a flawless NetBook. The MacBook Air is ideally qualified as a NetBook because it has the same keypad and screen dimensions as a normal laptop, has a clever operating system (IE: MacOS X ), and fully support Wi-Fi signal.

What you just described has a name already: "ultraportable" What makes "netbooks" different from laptops is the fact that they are small, inexpensive gadgets conceived for (mostly) individual use and have only the parts they need to connect to and use the Internet. There's no "ultraportable" There's one thing here........

Firstly, there is no such thing as " ultra-portable" Apple, which calls the MacBook Air "ready for the air," which means that it is fully used for things that demand high-speed Wireless connectivity. However, I now believe that the MacBook Air is a netbook, an inexpensive but perfect netbook. They are very realistic as an ultra-portable class and are intended for corporate customers who are on the go a great deal and need a lightweight engine with a higher electricity and memory level than a web browser needs.

Even a netbook has a small 9" display, also a cheaper one. With a netbook it is just as much about extremely cost-effective compo-nents as it is about small dimensions. This way smartphones, iPod touches and even Archos WiFi capable PMP's are just as "netbooks" as the Eee PC's.

However, Sony, Apple and Lenovo's ultra-portable high-end devices are much more about doing things for the office, finding the right balance between power and ease, and getting the job done on the go with as little effort as possible. Netbooks don't need the latest and greatest graphic chips or GB's of memory or backlighting, or lit keyboard.

MacBook Air isn't a netbook for the exact reason you've given, it has a full-size keypad, a display, and so on. A netbook must be smaller than 10" and have a smaller shapefaktor. Missing functionality in the air is both a boon and a bane, take it any way you want, the MacBook is just right for me.

What I think about a netbook is that it's a small mobile computer that's about half the cost of a notebook.

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