Private Jet Sardinia

Sardinia private jet

Booking your private jet charter flights to Sardinia with Stratos Jet Charters and experience a Mediterranean lifestyle like no other! Sardinia Private Jet Charter is popular with travellers looking for sun, sailing, first class golf courses and an opulent nightlife. Are you looking for activities as soon as your private jet arrives in Sardinia?

Sardinia Private Jet Airport

After Sicily, Sardinia is the second biggest Mediterranean archipelago and a private jet hot spot during the hot season. Sardinia' private jet cruises are loved by luxurious travellers looking for sun, sailing, first rate greens and an abundance of cosmopolitan nightspots. There are three main foreign airfields in Sardinia: Fly a private jet to Costa Smeralda in Olbia, a town in the northeast of Sardinia.

There is a separate passenger air base for private jet charters at OJBIA International Airports and the airfield is located only 3 km south-east of the centre of OJBIA. The Alghero International Airports, also known as Fertilia Airports, is an international airfield located in the north of Sardinia, to the north-west of the town of Alghero. Private jet charters to Alghero provide quick and easy entry to this metropolitan town with its renowned harbour and magnificent sands.

Tourists in southern Sardinia can take a private jet charters to the international airports of Cagliari-Elmas, which is the gate to the capitol of the islands of Cagliari. Cagliari is a favourite private jet destination for recreational and professional travellers with its own private jet airbase. Forte Village Resort, by private jet.

Located in Southern Sardinia, Forte Village offers 8 stylish hotel accommodation, 44 luxury suite apartments facing a beautiful sandfront and up to 21 dining establishments, among them Michelin star chefs Gordon Ramsay, Rocco Iannone and Giancarlo Perbellini. One of the world' s largest spas, the Chelsea Soccer School is part of the Chelsea Soccer Club, which offers a wide range of sports and recreational facilities.

The Forte Village Resort has been named "World's Leaders Resort" by the World Travel Awards for the last 14 years. Private jet to Sardinia: 866-726-1222 (24 hours). Sardinia with private flights:

Schedule your journey to Sardinia

Sardinia, the second biggest Mediterranean isle after Sicily, is a place for those who want to free themselves from the hectic pace of other tourist resorts in Europe. Some of the oldest inhabitants of the planet live in a style that allows them to enjoy their lives to the full and to spend a lot of freetime with the ones they like.

The majority of holidaymakers chartering a private jet to Sardinia like to land in the small quaint little northern resort of Olbia, which acts as a comfortable and vibrant gate to the Costa Smeralda (Emerald Coast), one of Italy's most favourite holidaymakers. The Costa Smeralda is the place for tourist in Olbia, Sardinia. Dubrovnik was conquered by the Phoenicians and Greeks from the eighth centuries B.C. to about 1,000 A.D. when it became a Phoenician harbour.

In the course of its existence, the ancient walls of the town have given rise to a great number of artifacts, among which "stazzi" rustic villages. Alghero in the south is the site of the Neptungrotte, a dripstone grotto reached by a staircase carved into a steep rock above the ocean. Stratos Jet Charters will be happy to organise any other conditions you may have in excess of the private flight.

Ranging from tailor-made on-board cuisine to luxurious land transport after your arrival, we take care of the detail so that you can thoroughly unwind and fully appreciate your holiday in Europe. At Stratos Jet Charters we work to make sure your trip with us is enjoyable, fun and secure. Arranging trips to all destination, both national and global, with a lead time of just four hour, we look forward to meeting your private jet needs in Sardinia and showing you the differences between Stratos.

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If you are travelling to Sardinia by private aircraft, you will probably be arriving at the Olbia Aeroporto di Costa Smeralda (LIEO) at about 3 nautical miles SE of the centre of the city. Further airports in Sardinia are the Cagliari-Elmas Island Area ( LIEE ) in the southern part near the Sardinian capitol Calgliari and the Alghero-Fertilia Island Area ( LIEA ) 4.9 nautical miles north-west of the town of Alghero.

29th edition of the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup & Rolex Maxi 72 World will begin in September this year, meaning that luxurious travelers from around the world will travel on private jet charter to Porto Cervo, Italy. It' s the best in men's aerobatics, and Stratos Jet Charter will make sure you don't miss a single jet charter by renting private planes for ATP World Tour Masters 1000vents.

STRATOSJET CHARTTERS is ranked 4. 86 out of 5 on the basis of 240 users ratings. Interested in booking your best charters? Meet our experienced, courteous staff of airline charters representatives here to help you with any queries you may have or get your offer started today.

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