Slow Cooker Air Freshener

Air Freshener Slow Cooker

I used the Little Dipper Crockpot Slow Cooker as air freshener or odor neutralizer for this "recipe". Mixture of water, baking soda and a pleasant scent like cinnamon can be cooked in your slow cooker to refresh the air in your home. These are instructions for using your Slow Cooker as an air freshener. Adjust the Crockpot to the room where you need a little refreshment most and set it to NOW with the lid open. It says that the warm baking powder literally draws the smells out of the air.

Natural Air Freshener | Slow Cooker Citrus & Maple Air Scent

EXCLUSION: This entry was created in sponsorship with Sunkist Citrus, but as always all views are real. The DIY Natural Air Freshener recipe is a tasty Slow Cooker citrus and maple air scent with pears, rosemary and cinnamon. Something I can bear (and love absolutely) is the scent of sweets in the stove, cooker or slow cooker.

Bring out the calorie-free flavour by using the Slow Cooker to create a DIY Natural Air Freshener. The Slow Cooker Air Scent is the best way to attract visitors to your home or cottage. Where would you put the DIY Natural Air Freshener? How do you feel about my Slow Cooker Zitrus & Maps Combo?

The DIY Natural Air Freshener recipe is a tasty Slow Cooker fragrance of lemon and sycamore air with pears, rosemary und candy. Put the lemon fruit, juice, perry, vanilla, rose marinade, apple juice, apple juice, black pepper, black pepper, cinnamon juice and tapenade into a continuous boiler. Inspect it every few hrs and when the fire is complete, if necessary give another half cups.

Disklaimer: This article was created in cooperation with Sunkist, but all views are real.

Natural Air Freshener | Slow Cooker Citrus & Maple Air Scent

EXCLUSION: This entry was created in sponsorship with Sunkist Citrus, but as always all views are real. The DIY Natural Air Freshener recipe is a tasty Slow Cooker citrus and maple air scent with pears, rosemary and cinnamon. Something I can bear (and love absolutely) is the scent of sweets in the stove, cooker or slow cooker.

Bring out the calorie-free flavour by using the Slow Cooker to create a DIY Natural Air Freshener. The Slow Cooker Air Scent is the best way to attract visitors to your home or cottage. Where would you put the DIY Natural Air Freshener? How do you feel about my Slow Cooker Zitrus & Maps Combo?

The DIY Natural Air Freshener recipe is a tasty Slow Cooker fragrance of lemon and sycamore air with pears, rosemary und candy. Put the lemon fruit, juice, perry, vanilla, rose marinade, apple juice, apple juice, black pepper, black pepper, cinnamon juice and tapenade into a continuous boiler. Inspect it every few hrs and when the fire is complete, if necessary give another half cups.

Disklaimer: This article was created in cooperation with Sunkist, but all views are real.

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