Commercial Flying car

A commercial aircraft

"The world' s first" commercial flying car presented at the Geneva Motor Show. Earlier this year, leading Netherlands airplane maker Pal-V introduced a flying car that can switch from driving to flying in less than 10-minute time. Described as "the world's first flying automobile manufacturing model", the Pal-V Liberty made its debut last weekend at the Geneva Motor Show. It' s described by Pal-V as "a car that flies" and "an airplane that drives."

A 200 hp motor is fitted to the hybrids, which can travel at up to 160 km/h in nine seconds (around 100 mph) and fly at a top rate of 180 km/h (around 112 mph). Until 18 March 2018, the serial produced version can be seen in Geneva.

"â??The manufacturing cast is the Moment of Truth,â said Pal-VÂ-V CEO Robert Dingemanse. "Manufacturing models are the final step in the research and develop ment processes before the start of full manufacturing and supply. "All the certificates necessary for marketing are issued on the base of this product type. Pioneer's limit Pioneer designs, produced in a 90 piece limit, were the first PAL-V Liberty models on the scene and sold for ?499,000 (approximately £444,000).

By no means is PAL-V the first enterprise to attempt to bring a flying car into series manufacture. However, Pal-V thinks it is ahead of its rivals because its Liberty does not focus on completely new or undeveloped technology - which would take a long while. "For many years, our styling approach of adhering to current highway and aviation codes has spared us many years to market," said Mike Stekelenburg, head of engineering.

Palace-V ensures the security of the car. An advantage is that it can change from flying to riding in bad meteorological circumstances. However, if this were to be done in the skies, Pal-V said the gyro engineering would ensure a secure land.

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