Private Jet Cost Estimator

Estimator for private jet costs

Contact a Jet Advisor for a free consultation and quote. Air Charter private solutions at competitive prices. Discover how much an elaborate interior can cost. An estimate of aircraft operating costs can be found on the AOPA website or at

Quick, accurate operational and operating cost

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What does it cost to own a Jet?

Dallas Jet International founders and chief executive officer, Brad Harris, classifies the operating, varying and overhead expenses associated with ownership of a corporate jet. It is important that when an airline agent advises a customer on the best airline, he understands the transport needs of the customer to help them choose the best airline.

It is not surprising that cost is usually the most important consideration. The most important factors are, of course, airspeed, cruising distance, cockpit dimensions and safety of the airplane. What sometimes amazes customers, however, is the differences that running expenses can make to the overall view of finances. However, in some cases running cost can have such a significant influence on the overall capital expenditure characteristics of an aeroplane that it becomes a solid choice to buy a newer, bigger or otherwise more costly aeroplane with lower running cost.

The following discusses the most important issues we consider as we lead our clients through the aeroplane screening proces. Operating cost includes all necessary cost to own and run the aeroplane, as well as fuels, pilot and flight crews, planned and unplanned servicing, hanger, insurance and many other items.

The operating expenses are further subdivided into adjustable expenses and firm yearly expenses. Floating cost depends on the number of flight hour of the airplane. Fuels are the biggest operating expenditure. In the same way that smaller, lightweight automobiles achieve better gas consumption than large SUVs as well as passenger car vans, smaller, light airplanes are generally more economical.

Smaller, more simple nozzles may require less manpower and less servicing. Below is a list of the hourly cost estimates for five common corporate jets: Regardless of whether the plane is used or not, additional overheads are incurred each year. Mann wages, necessary airline schooling, hanger, insurances, avionics softwares upgrades and many other charges must be covered to keep the plane airworthy when you need it.

Whilst some service needs are predicated on the number of flying hour, there are also service needs predicated on the airplane's aging. Scheduled service positions are considered annually fix cost. Figure below shows the differences in total cost per year between these aircraft:

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