Denver Cab Receipt

The Denver Cabin Cover

An individual or company operating a pedal cabin. He couldn't print a receipt. Here is how these different tariffs are developing in Denver:

cab driver

Foot pod is a multi-wheeled motor car with or without hood, powered by humans and used for paid passenger transportation on roads. From 1 March 2013, all licenced cabins will be obliged to affix a pedal-cab licence number to the back of their rolling stock.

For each of their cars, authorised pedal-cabin operators must request a sign from the Ministry of Excise Duties and Licences. The one-off charge for each licence is $25.00. The panels must be placed on the back of the cabin at all moments and illuminated at nights. Annually renewed labels for the signs will be provided with the renewals of the pedalo licence.

The extension label is free of cost. Actual year labels must be affixed by 1 March of each year to the sign to the right of the three-digit number plates. They were adopted in December 2012 thanks to the considerable effort of the pedalo sector and operators in Denver and following a consultation.

In the following you will find the complete text of the number plates as well as two regulations for the driving licence and the certificate of insurance: Every pedal-cabin run by an approved pedal-cabin operator must bear a pedal-cabin identification mark supplied by the Ministry of Excise Duties and Licences. Number plates must be affixed to the back of the cabin at all Times, illuminated at nights and provided with a valid issue of the department's yearly label.

In the event that a licenced cab operator no longer works for his registered cab operator, the operator and the cab operator must inform the Ministry of Excise Duties and Licences within ten (10) working days. 3. An authorised chauffeur may delegate his driving licence to a new cab operator in accordance with the department's established procedure.

In the case of an annually renewed licence, licenced pedalo operators must provide the Ministry of Consumption with up-to-date evidence of cover.

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