Get Taxi fare Estimate
Taxi rate will receive estimateEstimate your taxi rate smartly.
Do a taxi estimate from a start point to an end point. "lat_lng": "43.6561453,-79." 3817517", "Country": "CA", "Address": "30 Dundas Street West", "Region": "ON", "City": "Toronto", "using_rate_for": "Toronto", "type": "estimation", "to": "lat_lng" : "43.6445433,-79.
3859798", "Country": "CA", "Address": "200 Front Street West", "Region": "ON", "City": "Toronto", "duration": "8 minutes", "distance": "2. 1 km", "cost": "12. 71", "cab_contacts": "Name:" "CO-OP Cabs", "Region:" "ON", "Carried":, "Telephone": "(416) 504-2667", "City" :
"Toronto", "Name": "Airport Taxi", "Region": "ON", "Promoted":, "Telephone": "(416) 623-7171", "City" : "Toronto", "Name": "Premier Taxi Corporate Executive Taxi Toronto Ontario", "Region": "EIN", "promoted":, "Telephone": "(416) 241-6900", "City" : "Toronto", "Name": "Beck Taxi", "Region": "ON", "promoted":, "Telephone": "(416) 226-9492", "City" :
"Toronto", "Name": "Pearson Airport Taxi", "Region": "EIN", "promoted":, "Telephone": "(866) 840-2784", "City" : "³North York" sample requirement - Using the user's actual whereabouts ( lat_lng param): : . "Distances": "1. 4 km", "Type": "Estimate", "Costs": "11. 46", "Duration": "5 minutes", "to" :
"200 Front Street West", "City": "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "lat_lng": "43.6445433,-79. 3859798", "Country" : "CA", "From" : "Address" : "483 Bay Street", "City": "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "lat_lng": "43.6533102,-79. 3827675", "Country": "CA", "using_rate_for" : "Toronto", "cab_contacts" :
"Name:" "CO-OP Cabs", "Carried":, "Phone": "(416) 504-2667", "Region": "ON", "City" : "Toronto", "Name": "Airport Taxi", "Promoted":, "Phone": "(416) 623-7171", "Region": "ON", "City" : "Toronto", "Name": "Premier Taxi Corporate Executive Taxi Toronto Ontario", "Promoted":, "Phone": "(416) 241-6900", "Region": "EIN", "City" :
"Toronto", "Name": "Beck Taxi", "Promoted":, "Phone": "(416) 226-9492", "Region": "ON", "City" : "Toronto", "Name": "Pearson Airport Taxi", "Promoted":, "Phone": "(866) 840-2784", "Region": "EIN", "City" : "Land": "CA", "lat_lng": "43.6445433,-79.
3859798", "Region" : "EIN", "City" : "Toronto", "address": "200 Front Street West", "distance": "2. 1 km", "from": "country": "CA", "lat_lng": "43.6561453,-79. 3817517", "Region" : "EIN", "City" : "Toronto ", "Address": "30 Dundas Street West", "using_rate_for": "Uber, Toronto", "duration": "8 min", "type": "estimation" Example inquiry - suggestions:
If someone enters a business name, a land mark or an intersection instead of an adress, you will receive an answer with possible proposals. "Name: McDonald's Restaurant", "City": "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "1. 19 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.648813,-79.
396641", "Address": "160 Spadina Avenue", "Name": "McDonald's", "City" : "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "0. 27 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.654059,-79. 380082, Street code, 260 Yonge Street, Name, McDonald's, City: "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "4. 8 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.668066,-79.
439089", "Address" : "1185 Dupont Street", "Name" : "McDonalds", "City" : "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "0. 98 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.644806,-79. 38639, addresses 200 Front Street West, name McDonald's, city: "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "1. 27 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.66455,-79.
384525, Adress, 552 Yonge Street, Name, McDonald's, City: "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "3. 94 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.638666,-79. 427789", "Address" : "1221 King Street West", "Name" : "McDonald's", "City" : "Toronto", "region": "ON", "distance": "1. 86 km", "country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.652172,-79.
406152", "Address": "344 Bathurst Street", "Name": "McDonald's", "City" : "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "1. 12 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.649575,-79. 370315. Street name 121 Front Street East. McDonald's. City: "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "5. 62 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.656954,-79.
452749", "Address": "2365 Dundas Street West", "Name": "McDonald's", "City" : "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "3. 99 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.668674,-79. 33848", "Address": "1000 Gerrard Street East", "Name": "McDonald's", "City" : "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "1. 76 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.66886,-79.
38607, 675 Yonge Street, McDonald's, City: "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "6. 42 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.710696,-79. 376852", "Address" : "1787 Bayview Avenue", "Name" : "McDonald's", "City" : "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "2. 11 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.671848,-79.
378511", "Address" : "345 Bloor Street East", "Name" : "McDonald's", "City" : "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "7. 12 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.695789,-79. 449152", "Address": "1807 Eglinton Avenue West", "Name": "McDonald's", "City" : "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "4. 93 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.689868,-79.
348791, adress 1045 Pape Avenue, name McDonald's, city: "United States: North York", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "11. 36 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.7538,-79. 3593", "Address": "808 York Mills Road #1", "Name": "McDonald's", "City" :
"Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "1. 0 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.662208,-79. 383669", "Address": "470 Yonge Street", "Name": "McDonald's", "City" : "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "9. 34 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.732916,-79.
419716, adress 1890venue Road, name McDonald's, city: "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "3. 21 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.675839,-79. 358571", "Address" : "98 Danforth Avenue", "Name" : "McDonald's", "City" : "Toronto", "Region": "ON", "Distance": "5. 29 km", "Country": "Canada", "lat_lng": "43.664907,-79.
319569 ", "Address": "29 Woodward Avenue", "Type": "Suggestions" Upcoming! Gain full and up-to-date information on our taxi fares for several towns. Obtain a taxi contact listing by location or location and longitudes.