Luxury Airplanes for Sale
Deluxe aircraft for saleOver 70 years later, not much has happened for aircraft sellers. Meanwhile, during the demonstrations, vendors hand over complete flight controls of their aircraft to complete foreigners without much knowing about their flight skills. Just like trafficking in illicit narcotics, the sale of airplanes is one of the few professions where a potential client can assassinate you.
However, the job has no lack of applicants and appeals to those who don't want 9-to-5 business living with a supervisor looking over their shoulder. Basement's a source of inside information: When you visit the Carrabelle, Florida airfield, he knows the policeman will go out and take you to Julia Mae's place.
In Arkansas, he knows that at a certain aerodrome, the self-service petrol engine is concealed in the fridge. Keller's thousand of airline mileage has given him ample opportunity to develop a humorous feel that recalls the belated cartoon Rodney Dangerfield.
"I once flown a Cessna 150 from Wichita to Fort Lauderdale - the journey took so long that I had a moustache on the plane. Put the stick away, Keller gets what he's hawking. "It'?s a way of living I sell, not just aluminum," he says. When you look at my plane and you' re in it, you' re gonna fly."
Basement's lifestyles focus on the lightness, intimacy, and liberty associated with the licence to fly: When you want to go to a new town, you do not have to adapt your flight plan to the flight plan of a business carrier or be on the safety routes of the airports with the crowds.