Taxi in Seward Ak

Cab in Seward Ak

There are many different charters and destinations available. from Primrose to Bear Creek. Tidal water taxi from the small boat harbour. Kayak rental and guided sea kayak trips and water taxis to Kenai Fjords National Park and Prince William Sound in Seward Alaska. Obtain instructions, reviews and information for Mad Jacks Taxi in Seward, AK.

Kaines Head & Resurrection Bay Authorized cabs

Here is an up-to-date alphabetical listing of authorised corporate taxis for Caines Head State Recreation Area and Resurrection Bay State Marine Parks. Hwy, 28' aluminium hull inflatable boat with 13.5 foot decks. P.O. Box 81, 24' Skip, 22' Pacman, 16 passengers 37' Punchers and 41' Punchers.

Alaska Saltwater Lodging to the Kenai Fjords National Park and Prince William Sound.

From Seward, Alaska to Kenai Fjords National Park and Prince William Sound we offer Charter Services. In addition to offering accommodation on the sea front in our Alaska Saltwater lodge, we have been transporting drops in Kenai Fjords National Park and Prince William Sound since 1981 and in recent years have carried more than 90% of the visitors to the Nuka Bay Area and Western Prince William Sound.

There is also transport to the Nuka Bay Area and the west part of Prince William Sound. We' d be happy to introduce you to some of the best and most beautiful campsites, as well as the best animal watching areas, and help you get the right map, cards, tide chart and readings about the Kenai Fjords, Resurrection Bay and Prince William Sound.

Our 7:00 a.m. South Loading Ramp is the meeting point for our boat taxi rides. South Loading Ramp is situated next to Kenai Fjords National Park Visitor's Center in Seward Small Boat Harbor. The Seward Highway turns into Third Avenue from Anchorage when you reach Seward.

Drive past the Chevron in North Harbor and Third Avenue and turn at the next junction into South Harbor Street. The Kenai Fjords National Park Service Visitors Center is in front of you at the stop at the end of South Harbor Street and on your right. Loading ramp is to the right of the Park Service Visitor Centre.

Opposite the loading ramp there are long-term car parks.

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