Tfl Taxi and Private Hire

Taxi Tfl and private rental

Taxi & Private Rentals - Transport for London There are four main taxi and private rental assignments in London. Please inform yourself on the page Taxis & Mini cabs about our customer service. Our taxi (black cabin) and rental (minicab and chauffeur) car policy and guidelines are designed to help our clients stay safer, more secure and accessable, and to comply with stringent environment protection requirements.

We are also in charge of determining the regular taxi tariffs for taxi service providers and work with the London districts to designate taxi stands throughout London. Political choices are based on open consultation, client research and/or cooperation with interested stakeholders, as well as the taxi and private rental industry. Our company is in charge of all taxi driver and vehicle licences as well as private landlords, driver and vehicle licences in London.

In addition, we define license compliance needs to make sure we adhere to the highest possible standard in both sectors. Candidates for taxi and private drivers must satisfy stringent conditions to make sure they are "fit and tidy" before obtaining a license. Taxi, private car rental and private landlords must also fulfill a number of conditions to obtain a license.

Detailed information on all necessary criterias can be found on our license pages. The Mayor' s Traffic Strategy and the Taxis and Private Hire Action Plans, which define the Traffic Mission for London and describe how we will implement the Roadmap by 2031, are being implemented.

In this context, all new registered cabs will be emission-free from 1 January 2018.

Taxis TfL & Private rental (@TfLTPH)

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