Yellow Cab Anchorage

Amber cabin anchorage

Receive information, directions, products, services, phone numbers and reviews about Anchorage Yellow Cab in Anchorage, AK. Obtain instructions, ratings and information for Anchorage Yellow Cab in Anchorage, AK. AK Yellow Shipping in the App Store Alaska Yellow Cab from Alaska Yellow Dispatch with your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch - 24 hour a day, 365 of the year! You can use a card to choose your pick-up point and follow the whereabouts of your cab. Get notifications about the state of your reservation and when your cab will arrive.

CABB FUNCTIONS: - Order a cab now or choose a date and hour for collection in the near term. - You don't know your whereabouts? - Transmit the cab to your actual location on your local satellite system. - You can also touch a site on a card or enter a pick-up area. - Choose a collection or return destination from your phone's contact history.

  • Store a pick-up URL as a favourite and use it for your next bet. - Transmit extra information to the rider - enter a maximum of 255 chars. - You will receive a notification that your reservation enquiry has been received. - Display the actual position of your cab on a card.
  • Reverse a posting. - Touch a pushbutton to make a call to Alaska Yellow Dispatch @ 907-222-222-2222 (if the iPhone version is installed). WARNING: If the AK Yellow Dispatch software program is on an iPad or iPod Touch, the Alaska Yellow Dispatch function is inactive.

RANGE OF SERVICE: - Collection areas within the municipality of Anchorage with the following locations: It sometimes took three trips to get to the cabbie. Mile by mile, the cab ride is jumping. It' d show the cab several block away, but the cab was outside waitin' for us.

I just book a taxi and found Checker Cab outside, although it said there was a yellow taxi outside asking me to foot the bill. Yellow Cab about Checker, but if her softwares lie to me, I appreciate I'll just take the taxi that's out there..... Vendor Digital Dispatch Systems Inc.

Works with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

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