Charter Business Reviews
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Business / Charter Business Review Spectrum
First and foremost, we use charter Kabelternet in our Mid-West pages as our main DSL. You have the right proportion of problems with the web, but nothing more than the next one. Charters are a good option for a prime IPS. For several years we had a 5MB x 5MB point-to-point link between two of our bureaus through Charter Business (now Spectrum).
In this period it fulfilled our minimal port requirement with reliability. There were few problems and I found their support staff kind, supportive and knowledgeable. We have been using Charter Business (formerly Bresnan / Optimum in our region) since 2008. Beeing a creative/web development/internet services company, a dependable link with a sensible up- and down-stream is essential.
For 8 years we had only one failure and maybe a thimble of problems, all solved in a few hour or two. Telephone and on-site support are usually outstanding. This means that Charter's Kabelservice is overexpensive for the gloomy 60mbps down / 4mbps up speed.
Although priced in, they do not have general off-the-shelf functionality and the capability of ruggedization. Charter I would advise anyone who is not in the fibre optic services area and definitely recommends it every single night over ADSL. We have used the Charter in the past. Services were steady and dependable.
At this point we did not have any packages, only a simple webpage. The speed was reasonable for what we needed in due course (small office) and had no problems getting technical assistance. There is a strong web access and a high uptime of 90%.
Only downside for me is that the services. You speeded me up by 2, but I need to call the services division so they can fix the modems. Charter's telephone services were linked to the online packet in order to conserve cash with the "bundle". Whilst their services offer a variety of choices, small things like repeated changes to voice mail passwords, accidental failures that only concern the telephone and not the ISP, and first point of call tech who do little more than reading from a skript and gathering information, I found myself better off to port my number to my own mobile operator.
Much fewer breakdowns, if your telephone line is interrupted, your clients cannot get in touch with you. One has to know how to deal with it, but since I began using Charter for my online cables, I am quite fortunate. For me, the actual item was very robust. In the one wintry season that I had problems, I phoned and within a few moments they had detected a line problem and sent a technician to explore our road.
Since then, no more problems. Lately I haven't had to call techsu, but they've always been quite kind and seem to really want to help.