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Domestic fares in comparison

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Could you tell which country has the cheapest domestic flight?'s new website survey shows which country offers the lowest prices for domestic travel. This website, which is a research tool to find the best fare for travelling by rail, air or coach, studied the mean costs of a flight in 51 different nations on five different continents. Thus, the website is a research tool to find the best fare for travelling by rail, air or coach.

Results were somewhat astonishing, not only for the top performers, but also for how cheap domestic air travel actually is. India was the pioneer in the lowest domestic flight segment, with an annual fare of just US$10.36 per 100km.

This means that a flight of a thousand kilometres would be worth on average only 103.60 dollars. The second lowest flight would be $11.43 for Malaysia and $11.63 for South Africa. Finland led the way in this class with an annual rate of 138.90 dollars per 100 kilometres travelled, more than 13 fold the price of an Indian flight.

Austrian ($91.78) and Estonian ($79.68) completed this top five country ranking where no one wants to be a part of. The GoEuro document also includes the best and poorest rail and coach destinations for those who choose to be there. It was the least expensive in rail fares, with average fares of just $1.88 per 100 km.

Among the three poorest railway performing nations were Denmark ($39.84), Switzerland ($38.28) and Austria ($32.16). Concerning coach transport, Egypt also performed well in this class with an intersection of only $1.88 per 100 km. Once again, the continental nations received the doubtful award of also having the highest coach prices, with the Netherlands in the lead at $28.58. The Netherlands was also the first country in the world to receive this award.

Averaging $23.45, Austria came in second, while Norway came in third with $21.61. GoEurope's results show that South Africa is the lowest overall price for domestic trips, with prices in all three price ranges available. Of course, this is good news for travellers travelling to the south tip of Africa in the near term, as they should find reasonably priced trips within the African continent upon arriving.

When you travel independent, there is a good chance that you will take a flight, rail or coach as you move around your destinations. When you plan a stay in Europe - and especially in Scandinavia - you are expecting to pay a much higher rate than in most other European states.

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