Flight Ticket Prices in Sri Lanka

Airfare prices in Sri Lanka

Timetables to Colombo airport In order to make an enquiry about an already booked accommodation, please fill in the following information and click on "Get now". Allows you to view your trip information, update a reservation with your miles, make or modify applications, and modify certain service options. else { currentDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() + 3 - Tag) ;

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Em>Sri Lanka Synopsis

What is the best timeframe to travel to Sri Lanka? Main Season: You will need to judge where you are going to go after arriving in Colombo, Sri Lanka, as the main seasonal and meteorological conditions vary according to your destination. As a rule, you will find cheap flight fares between the rain periods.

You need to ensure that you book your flight to Sri Lanka in advance during the high seasons as the costs of airline ticket increases with age. Low Season: You will find the best cheap Sri Lanka flight during the monsoon period, which can last from October to December or January.

It is still a good idea to plan and reserve your flight to Sri Lanka in order to get your ticket at a lower price, and despite the monsoon period it can still be very busy there. What is the best timing to make a flight to Sri Lanka? The goal is to make your flight to Sri Lanka at least two or three month in advance, although if you want to get a good deal you should try even before.

Although the monsoon period offers the lowest prices for air travel to Sri Lanka, it also wets the islands, so don't get too damp this year. Summers climax can also be excruciatingly warm and damp, but by and large the warm temperatures can be experienced most of the year.

When you can be agile when you are traveling, you will find the best cheap flight to Sri Lanka. What is the duration of the flight to Sri Lanka? From London to Bandaranaike, Sri Lanka: 10h45. From Manchester to Bandaranaike, Sri Lanka: 12h30. From Birmingham to Bandaranaike, Sri Lanka: 12h55.

From Glasgow to Bandaranaike, Sri Lanka: 13h55. What companies offer services to Sri Lanka? Occasionally you may find Emirates and British Airways air fares that are not so frequent. The decision which carrier to use depends primarily on the fare and your own preferences.

Make your plans in advance and choose which carrier will offer the best value for money Sri Lanka flight, then consider other alternatives such as flight infills. As soon as your flight arrives to Sri Lanka, you can take an international flight to the central coach station. There are several different busses from here, according to where you go, but the 187 runs every 30 min and goes to Central Colombo.

As soon as you have booked your flight to Sri Lanka, it is advisable to check which hotel offers a transfer to the city. Taxi cabs are more costly than the coach, but they are a good choice if you don't want to queue until a coach arrives.

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