Freedom Taxi Philadelphia

Philadelphia Freedom Taxi

Obtain instructions, ratings and information for Freedom Taxi in Philadelphia, PA. Latest tweets from Freedom Taxi (@FreedomTaxi). The first GREEN and wheelchair accessible fleet of taxis in Philadelphia! Post reviews and photos for Freedom Taxi.

Freeom Taxi 2351 S Swanson St Philadelphia, PA Taxis

I really enjoyed my first Freedom Taxi ride. when my handbag fell over. Without knowing that my cell had failed, I got out of the taxi. After discovering that I had forgotten my mobile I followed my own movements.....

Last evening I was calling a freedom taxi to see how high the price would be for my trip. So I gave the queen my home and where to go. Behold cited $15.00 when the taxi drop me off..... Well, I reserved a taxi to take my grandma to a burial a whole week prior to the burial.

20 mins before their arrival they phoned me to tell me that they had no drivers and that.....

The Freedom Taxi (

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