Paris Taxi Stand Locations

Taxi locations in Paris

Taxi rank locations - Paris Forum Do you have a website that shows the locations of taxi ranks in Paris? On 7 May we will stay at 58 Bld de la Tour Maubourg and have to take a taxi to the RER train terminal to get to Epernay. When you go southwards on the Tour Maubourg Blanc and pass the next road, there is a taxi stand directly in front of the metro stop.

Looks like a waiting room with TAXI in blank characters on a big black shield. It can be seen with Google Maps road front opposite Café La Source. When you have a tourism card, the taxi ranks are marked with a large T. You can also call one and order from the G7 taxi firm.

Your English number is 01 41 27 66 99. If you are calling from a Paris fixed line, let the first zero fall. Thanks, it's actually the RE for uninterrupted operation: Thanks, everyone! cajargal - these days you can also call a taxi on the road. One can never say whether there will be a taxi, neither on the road nor at a stand.

As a pre-warning only - some things look like taxi ranks, but are just quiet zones for the drivers - it's difficult to distinguish. Call a taxi like you would in New York - stand at a crowded spot so the taxi can stop securely.

Although there are some places where taxi ranks are routine full of cabs, e.g. in the Bastille near the Opera, most taxi ranks seem to be missing cabs - maybe they come by sometimes, but we have found that unlike other towns we have frequented, we are not dependable places to get cabs if you have a crisis of sorts.

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