Taku Taxi Juneau

Taxi Taku Juneau

Juneau taxi service, Alaska. In the past we did a private tour with Taku Taxi and enjoyed it. TAKU-TAXI' JUNEAU DENNIS KNOWS THE FIELD - Review of Custom Juneau Tours, Juneau, AK

September 9, 2013, Dennis came to pick us up from the ship. However, the best part of the trip (simple directions near a large rusted anchor) had 4 hrs or ended with the best part of 5h. Backyards, Juneau, Governor Residence, then glaciers, Bear saw near the visitor area. For our Juneau trip we book a four hrs trip with Dennis.

Together with the things we wanted to see, he made proposals for our outing. He really contributed to the pleasure of the trip with his local wisdom. Dennis is very much recommended for the next trip to Juneau. Da Dennis did a great gig where everybody got accommodated! There was an eagle, a bears (Nickie was nearby ) salmon angling, the shrine of Saint Therese, the chapel by the lake and the Mendenhall glacier.

We had a great afternoons and we will certainly come back and hire Dennis when we do! It was a great trip with Dennis. It offered a great trip at a very affordable cost. If you want to hit the coaches and see the area with someone who knows them, I would strongly advise you.

Dennis said we wanted to see the ice and look for game. Well, we came to the ice and that was beautiful. Dennis, however, had his own agendas. Going to the ice, we said Dennis again that we wanted to see the game. Said he would take us to a shrine that we mistakenly thought was a nature reserve.

When you' re touring with Dennis, make sure he gets you where you want to go. Unfortunately, the animal world doesn't appear on order, and I'm not always fortunate. Were you on individual Juneau tours?

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