Taxi fare Surcharge

Surcharge for taxi

The taxi tariffs are based on a flag tariff and the distance covered. I've never heard of a midnight taxi surcharge in Taiwan. General Fare - How Taximeters Work Whatever happens, you know that you will be billed for the amount of your taxi journey and the distances you cover, but some areas have different tariffs that add to your cost of travelling. A taxi rider inserts these prices on the counter himself. Most commonly used is a collection charge.

For example, in New York City, which we mention on the last page, it is $2.50 just to get into a taxi. When you get a taxi in New York between 4pm and 8pm, you will be billed an extra $1.00 per extra-hours. From 20.00 o'clock a surcharge of 50 cent per person will be made.

The majority of communities only have tariffs within their borders. In general, if you ask a taxi to depart from the borders of the town, you will be billed different rates. If, for example, you take a taxi from New York to Newark Airport, you will be billed a fare code of 3: the standard fare for travel by air and by car, plus a $15 surcharge.

When you take a taxi from New York to Westchester or Nassau County, the part of the journey within these counts will cost twice as much as the price in the town. It'?s 80ยข for every fifth kilometer or minutes of wait. Taxis in New York do not bill extra for extra travelers, but taxis in Washington D.C. do - it's $1.50 for an extra one.

D.C. taxis also calculate 50 cent if the taxi rider has to help you with more than one pocket. The majority of towns demand that taxis book all rates in the taxi, so you have a good understanding of what you should be billed. Obviously, this does not always prevent some ruthless riders from trying to take unfair advantages over others, especially if they do not know the area well.

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