World of Flights
The world of flightsSTEEP FOUR: Establish a node where our communities can not only meet, but also collaborate, be innovative and united. Let's start building tomorrow's amusement park! Not only will this be a place to meet all your R/C requirements, but also a place where you can start building. Here you'll find everything you need to get your project done: builds spreadsheets, utilities, expertise, and helpful people.
The new building will have a wonderful multi-purpose room for trainings, construction evenings, local sports club meetings, birthdays, quad builds and many other great things that will both expand and mingle. Once we have made the headquarter inhabitable and operational, our first stage objective is to place a 700-foot long airstrip, pilots' station and pavilion on the site directly in front of the control centre.
There will also be a separate area for FPV flights, races and explorations that will allow these drivers to create an area where they can gather earlier. Familiy evenings, open air flights, fellowship contents and quads will be available immediately after renovation. It is our aim to have free acces and to fly 80% of the while.
Achieving these objectives will help make it a fact! FliteTest loves all things flying! We' re excited about the possibility of combining everything that makes FT unique in a place that not only opens the door to stunning experiences, but also gives us the chance to explore and design our unbelievable FT family.
The world of flying will encompass all aspects of aeronautics. Like today, we can buy a similar site where we can produce exciting contents, schedule funny air shows and run our daily business. Provide a place where we can do it all, but to live it with you!
That great fellowship merits a home, and we need your help to achieve it. Air shows, evenings with families, trainings, seminars, STEM, camp sites, and all other aspects of the flights and the R/C come to life in the World of Forest. It is our hearts not only to make the world of flying fly, but also to transform life on the way there.
Not only can you be a part of it, create an excitement place for yourself and your loved ones to come and see, but you can also be a blessing to others who are looking to join through flying and community. Thanks for being part of this particular familiy, and thanks for your part. Once the first objective is achieved, we can move all FT's activities (offices, contents, products ) to this new area.
It begins the transition of the course from a course to a target. Even with the original financing objective, we will be able to have a small outdoor communal area with terrace and fireplace, and we will be able to prepare the area immediately in front of headquarters so that it is better suited to fly planes than gulf!
The first two stages will allow the company to start operating from this site and begin the transformation to World of Flow. Although we would be very thankful to achieve this first objective, we know that there could be a way to do more. The transformation from a course to a flying target will certainly take a while, but with the achievement of some of these stretching targets we can extend the timing by a factor of 10 and do it all relatively quickly!
One thing is at stake with these stretching targets: the acceleration of the time axis so that it can become a flying world as quickly as possible. We' ll keep making enhancements to the terrain and expanding the scope, but these stretching targets add fuel to the fire and let those targets pass much, much before.
STEPS THREE: After making the HQ livable and operational, our first stop is to place a 700-foot long airstrip, flight controls and gazebos on the site directly in front of the HQ. It will also have a separate area for FPV flights, races and explorations that will allow these drivers to use one area and gather together.
STEEP FOUR: Establish a node where our communities can not only meet, but also collaborate, be innovative and united. Let's start building tomorrow's amusement park! Not only will this be a place to meet all your R/C requirements, but also a place where you can start building. Here you'll find everything you need to get your project done: builds spreadsheets, utilities, expertise, and helpful people.
The new building will have a wonderful multi-purpose room for trainings, construction evenings, local sports club meetings, birthdays, quad builds and many other great things that will both expand and mingle. It is one of the largest milestones in making the first Flite Festival at Edgewater Airfield possible. Since we have all reached our stretching targets, we see the timetable like this:
When our first target is completed, the floor on the FT Hobby Station will also be prepared! 2019: If the route target is crossed, the ground-breaking ceremony for the new municipal centre on the site is also likely. In this year we expect the full realization of the World of Flight realization moment.
Complete campsite equipment, all new premises to be finished and fully functional, several airlines and full accessibility for members of the group. The first Flite Festival is expected to take place here just after the preceding periods. However, our might fades compared to the hundred thousand men in our fellowship who can speak the words.
and your contribution means the world to us. Founder's designs will only be available until our first Flite Fest this year, where they will also be sold to participants. In the meantime, you can get the kits at an affordable cost and know that you have helped make and flying this aircraft an unbelievable thing!
As you may have noticed, a large number of our benefits are in some way related to the festival. There were many ways we wanted to make the event a success because our actions are about making things happen and our activities are the best way to do that. Our special offers vary from a simple flyer passport to lifelong familiy memberships that give you and your loved ones entry to every flower festival of all time!
There is also a Flite Fest Season Card for a particular occasion, which covers all discounts plus up to five members' passes and a campsite card for the entire period of the occasion. Hopefully we'll have a Flite Festival at Edgewater Airpark as soon as possible and can't wait to welcome your Lifetime members from this campaig.