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Checkflights brings flights and hotels to Facebook Messenger
Greater movement in the web of instant messenger with the message that Cheapflights allows the user to look for both flights and hotel accommodations in Facebook Messenger. Momondo Group's meta-search engines could be one of the first to combine the airline ticket and lodging discovery in a bot-based solution within the ubiquitous message sharing ecosystem of the group.
Checkflights Chat, which starts this weeks in the betas version, will also deliver other trip-related information like the current climate in a given trip and the current change of currencies. Subsequently, the Bot invokes various APIs (e.g. the Momondo Group's flight and hotelCombined technology for hotels) that power the backend to deliver relevent results, as well as meteorological information and the position of the user's accommodations and locations, to indicate the closest airports.
There' s an'Inspire Me' item for uncertain where to go, and Cheapflights says the bot gives responses in a way that matches the user's one. Says the firm, "Here's a chat bots video in effect. It is a big growing concern for us, so it is imperative that we use all the new possibilities that present themselves to get in touch with our customers through this way........
"Unlike others, our bot has been developed specifically for the Messenger trading platforms, and the user of that platforms - and their needs - in mind...". The Skyscanner has introduced its Facebook Messenger air searching robot in May this year.