Cheap Flights to Lanzarote

Discount flights to Lanzarote

Best offers for the cheapest flights to Lanzarote. Cheap flights at the best prices. Discount flights to Lanzarote from £34 Lanzarote's sandbeach and inviting resort make this a great holiday for the whole host of families, while those looking for thrills will be thrilled by its strange scenery, secret caverns and wind-whipped northshore. Because it is relatively small, although it is the third largest of the Canary Islands, it is unlikely that your trip to Lanzarote will be followed by a strenuous one.

Playa Blanco and Puerto del Carmen are both 30 minutes from the international airports and offering fun and recreation for the whole familiy. Located within the resort are a number of dining and bar facilities, many of which are held by the large ex-pat communities that make travelers feel at home. Finally, in the summers month, the average daily amount of rainfall is 13 sun per hour and hardly a single drip to reduce the mood.

Off the beaten track, Lanzarote also provides possibilities for the adventure seeker to fly. Famara, the coast line in the northwest of the archipelago, provides great possibilities for kite flying, sailing and windboarding. Teguise, the historical city of Teguise, provides more relaxed joys that are more similar to the Spanish continent.

Lots of people also come to see the vines, such as the island's oldest El Grifo, which produces the island's unmistakable dessert sweets. Seeing a vineyard in the middle of the dark Volcano soil may seem a surprise, but it has been producing grapes for over 200 years. Lanzarote's unparalleled variety - the islands are a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve - can best be seen in the work of the deceased conservationist César Manrique and the attractions of the Timanfaya National Park.

Manrique's work is shown at the César Manrique Institute, which is only 15 min from the Manrique International Airports, and shows underground hideaways, sloping staircases and gushing streams of volcanic ash that show how Manrique wanted to make sure that a sensible evolution on the Isle took place in tune with its surroundings. Farther westwards, Timanfaya National park is home to Lanzarote's largest fire mountain - the lively but fortunately resting Islote de Hilario vulcano.

At the heart of the area is a César Manrique design dining room where your order is barbecued with the warmth that rises from the vulcano itself, while you take in the best view of this sinister and inspirational area. No wonder that on an isle of this magnitude, shellfish are very recommendable.

Lanzarote's relatively constant temperatures, with an annual high of 21°C in January and 29°C in July, mean that Lanzarote attracts tourists all year round. Dia De Los Reyes - Three Wise Men's Days - is a traditional celebration in Spain that features presents that many would link to Santa Claus.

On 5 January, a parade takes place in Arrecife, the main town of the archipelago, during which the Wise Men distribute sweet treats and presents to them. Nuestra Señora del Carmen celebrates its annual event from mid-July to the end of July, during which the image of Saint Carmen is given a lake profession, while its flowery toll is brought to lake by ship.

During August, the protector of the archipelago, Saint San Gines, is held in a ten-day celebration that includes tradition and Miss Lanzarote's choice of sport, ending with a great firework show. Lanzarote offers a great variety of activities, from fall adventures to a warm welcome in warm weather to a sunny holiday in warm weather - there is never a boring moment to come.

More than 2 million holidaymakers visit Lanzarote every year.

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