Executive Jet Companies

The Executive Jet Company

The Chinese private jet market has enormous growth potential with over one million million millionaires. Where is the distinction between fractions, maps and charters? More than one million million billionaires in China's economy means that the country's jet engine industry has enormous economic upside. US jet operator NettoJets recently signed a China based alliance with Hony Capital and Fund Funj Investments. Specifically, the new entity will focus on the provision of NetJets' airplane flight operations support service to the China based markets.

In the USA and Europe, NetJets' flagship businesses, held by Berkshire Hathaway, a major corporation, offer a stake in its personal jet fleets and personal jet card.

The Fractional Property Agreement is a contract under which the individual jet client purchases part of an airplane from the managing airline. 1/16 of an airplane, which corresponds to 50 flight hour per year. There are many additional expenses in excess of these costly start-up expenses, such as annual administration fee, montly operating cost and aerodrome surcharges.

NetJets' airplane managment division is another field of activity known as NetJets Executive Jet Mangement. That part of the enterprise administers aeroplanes for other third parties - not the aeroplanes that are part of the enterprise's family. Buying a jet by a firm or a wealthy person means that they have to hire a firm to administer it.

These companies take care of plane and pilot design, scheduling, administration and other day-to-day operational needs. The NetJets product is highly competitive in the US aviation operations business and was recently introduced in Europe. No wonder, then, that with this part of their offer they are also opening up the China as well.

Where is the distinction between fractions, maps and charters? Partial ownership: They buy a stake in an airplane (the minimum is usually 1/16th, which corresponds to 50 hrs per year). Clients can swap lessons within the entire NetJets jet fleets, e.g. 1 lesson with a small jet = 30 minutes with a large jet.

As a rule, this is the cheapest and most versatile way to fly by plane. Please feel free to call our 24-hour flight team for an individual offer for a Privatjet to or from China.

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