Maxi Taxi Beograd
Beograd Maxi TaxiUnique taxi
Being the first and only one to offer your clients the opportunity to pay with tickets, free Wi-Fi and Twitter tickets is one thing, but what really makes us different is the way they are. They are friendly and courteous, ready to speak when you want to speak, and calm when you want to.
Don't forgot the check! Don't be afraid, because we adore pets too, but don't let it be forgotten that they come with you. If you want to do your sight-seeing, we can train your driver to become a guide. Well, we can discuss it!
Rent a Cheap Vehicle from Beo, you will be able to enjoy the best of the best in the automobile industry: Ford Fiesta, Toyota Corola and ?koda Rapid.
Rent a Cheap Vehicle from Beo, you will be able to enjoy the best of the best in the automobile industry: Ford Fiesta, Toyota Corola and ?koda Rapid. Apart from the introduction of complementary measures in terms of level of comfort, the introduction of new technologies in the automotive sector must also take account of new sensitivities in the field of nuclear power.
utoliko od dvojim zolima na proslavu i popijete totliko the ne mus?ete zigurno da vozite car do www. dvoljno da die bijete www. ho?, www. ho?, www. ho?, www.
Belgrade TAXI Services - Belgrade Forum
TAXI drivers, whom I have known for some while, said to me this morning at work that a French client was amazed when he rejected RSD 6500 for a trade show from the centre of the town to Ada, although the TAXI counter only showed RSD 650, as another TAXI operator asked RSD 3000 from the central railway yard to Republic Square.
These and many similar stories I have listened to have encouraged me to publish this new theme, as I think it can be a key point for TAXI-related information for prospective users in Belgrade (and other Serbian cities), although I have often wrote about this theme on other subjects.
TAXI drivers, whom I have known for some while, said to me this morning at work that a French client was amazed when he rejected RSD 6500 for a trade show from the centre of the town to Ada, although the TAXI counter only showed RSD 650, as another TAXI operator asked RSD 3000 from the central railway yard to Republic Square.
These and many similar stories I have listened to have encouraged me to publish this new theme, as I believe it can be a key point for TAXI-related information for prospective users in Belgrade (and other Serbian cities), although I have often wrote about this theme on other subjects.
Generally, TAXI riders can be subdivided into licenced and illicit riders, the simplest way to detect the latter is to search for TX ending on the licence plate of their vehicle. Registered taxi cabs can be further subdivided into those that are members of different TAXI organizations or TAXI enterprises (who have individually designed TAXI tags) and those that are members of different TAXI organizations (who have individually designed TAXI tags).
The TAXI federations offer extra safety through in-house checks and a call centre where dissatisfied clients can submit their grievances. For this reason I always use the TAXI of the federation and consult all the same. One of the simplest ways to reach an associated TAXI is by telephone, dialing any number from (+381 11) 19801 to 19808 (1 was only recently added and therefore in some places all numbers can be found), some of the biggest TAXI federations are Pink (telephone # 19803), Maxi (19804) and Beogradski (19801), although my option, if not in a rush, is to call Plavi (19801).
Note that in Belgrade, some TAXI operators offer telephone discounts that are no longer available. Usually there are illicit or even worst lawful but unethical taxi riders on the Trg Republike and at nights in front of pop ular club and they usually ride a car that stands out from ordinary taxi riders (Audi, Mercedes, Sports and modify versions...), don't do them!
Finally, we would like to point out that I am not working for a tourism or tax business and that I do not do so for any other reason.