Private Jet Cost to own

Possession costs for private jet

What does it cost per month with your own private jet? What does it cost to own and run an Eclipse 500 private jet? Exemplary overview of operational costs per year. Overall $394,438 or $575,366 per year for an Eclipse 500 private jet with 200 flight times per year or 400 flight times per year. While the Eclipse 500's top is 430 mbph, it is more likely to reach an average of 344 mbph at lower climbing, traveling and descent rates, which corresponds to an avarage price per kilometer of about $5.

73 at 200 hrs per year.

By flying 400 hrs per year, you can distribute the entire fix cost over more flying time, which will reduce your cost per miles to $4.18. What does it cost to buy an Eclipse 500? Check out our Jet Management Model Suggestion to see how much you can economize.

Shall I buy a private jet?

When I' m flying that many lessons, I should buy a jet... right? There is a general principle in the private jet world: If I am flying for so many flying lessons (150, 200 or 250 lessons per year), I should own my own jet. It is not an easy thing to compute.

Possession of a private jet will depend on the nature of its use, not on the number of operating lessons. As an example, when a customer of ours was researching the possession of private jets, he was informed that because he flies 800 hour, he needs his own private jet. Requiring multiple planes per flight per day quickly eliminates the need to own a private jet as well as decentralised departure.

There are many customers for whom decentralised take-offs make the possession of a private jet more costly than chartering an airplane or even owning part of it. If you decide to purchase a private jet, the kind of trip you will use for your private jet is very important. One of our customers, for example, spent most of his trip to a final location and was at each place for more than a whole week.

Well, if they had flown more flying time than the rules of circumstance say, they should have purchased a private jet, right? So what happens to your private jet and your pilot if you remain at your final destinations for 3 consecutive week? Your flight will be commercial and your private jet will remain in a hanger, which can be expensive.

Decentralised take-offs, demands on a single journey and the use of several private aircraft at the same time are three of the many causes that violate the "rules of thumb". Don't buy a private jet just because you are flying a certain number of flight-it may not be your best bet.

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