Private Jet Fares

Rates for private jets

For the ultimate private jet experience, Private Jet Services offers a flight concierge service that takes care of every detail of your flight. Explore the comfort and award-winning service of private jet transport. Privately owned aircraft provide more room for a comfortable flying environment.

Travellers are opting to change to all kinds of private jet as more and more business travel becomes unpleasant. Indeed, passengers on flight are constantly confronted with the nightmare and the shortage of room on these aircraft is often noisy. It is undeniable that aircraft seating has become smaller and smaller over the years.

Whilst the Supreme Court is conducting a review of a move requiring the FAA to establish room limitations, clients still find themselves tense. When it comes to costs, airline companies put clients in an even more challenging situation. Less comfortable sitting means lower prices, and that pays off for many travellers.

Personal jets: Roomier optionWith all kinds of private jet, clients have much more room to indulge - and that won't be changed. Whereas airliners travel at 35,000 ft, private aircraft travel even higher to travel faster. The same comfort also goes for the inside of the aircraft.

With our stunning private aircraft portfolio, we can meet your travelling needs and give you the room you need.

Air Attendant Services - Private Jet Services - Private Jet Services

our unique flying-concierge service, which takes care of every detail of the flying adventure. These experiences begin with your first call to us and end with your arrival at home. Ranging from the choice of waters to handmade chocolate from Paris to the import of the orchid, our clients rely on their private concierge to provide the most personal and personal attention to make your charter a luxurious one.

Customers receive the same PJS Flight Concierge for all services to guarantee consistent, familiar and comfortable travel. Flight Concierge arriving at least four hrs before flight start to inform FBO and flight crews and supervise all detail processing incl. floor transport, luggage retrieval, food, duty and inbound. Visitors are welcomed in person to their luxurious private airplane.

PJS Flight Concierge's unique service includes locally based dining and catering wherever possible, extending meal choices and cutting down costs of airlines' conventional agents. PJS Concierge Service Specialist on Bord works with customers to provide the best possible meal.

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