Private Jet Rates

Rates for private jets

Advance payment of your aircraft charter fees at a fixed rate allows you to budget your travel expenses in advance.* The best way to set hourly rates for private flights is Jet Card membership. To learn more about Stratos fixed rate Jet Card membership, download our brochure. Subscribe to our email newsletter to stay up to date on private jet charter prices and news. What will your jet charter cost?

Prices for private jet charter may vary due to many factors:

Prices Private Jet Charter

Furthermore, for major departures, we also monitor the cost of air transportation related fuels and aim to provide the best prices for our customers. Customers should also know the facts about private jet charters. Significant expenses exist in connection with the movement or air travel of an airplane, which must be contained somewhere in the customer's private jet charters, total hours or add-ons.

Also, we will check all available information about empty legs to find a matching that could help our customers safe time.

Tariffs - Florida Private Jet Charges

For every airplane in our portfolio there are competitively priced fares available. Current information about charters and charters can be found here. Please directly email us with your route for the latest information on the price of a private air travel charters so that we can make you an individual offer. Learjet 55 is our most important corporate jet.

Should you be interested in chartering this private jet, you will find the rates below. You can buy our Microcopter at reasonable rates in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Please call us to find out the costs of a charters with our Air France service or consult the following information for a quote.

Price comparisons | Concord private jet

Altogether this translates into cost reductions for our Jet Cards customers, and you not only get the best prices, but also a personalised experience. As President and Founder of Concord, I serve every Jet-Card customer in person. If you need a lightweight jet, a heavier jet, a turborop or a very lightweight jet for quick breaks, you can use your map for any game.

Because we are the only supplier for your private air travel needs. Have a look at our flat rates next to your Jet-Card and compare them. Trade now and take full benefit of our free hourly rates that will make your rates even cheaper! As we mostly thrive through recommendations, tell it to a Friend and we will be adding an extra 1h to your map.

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