Small Flight Price

fare for small flights

Aerobatics in the Atlanta area. Dogs, cats and pet birds can travel in the cabin for a simple fee which is collected at check-in. Flying experiences and rates Just chill out, lean back and let us take you on a flight with us on the journey of your lifetime, or take over the control and enjoy "flying" as it used to be in our N3N. You can have a small class and most people can fly the plane themselves within a few mins.

When you want to enjoy a flight shared with a boyfriend, our WACO UPF-7 has room for two people side by side (bring someone you like). They can also select the Sunset Flight Options for only $40 extra charge when booking. Flight timings in each parcel indicate the real flight from take-off to arrival.

Stay at the aerodrome for another 25-30 min. in excess of the flight duration. In the following you will find the flight parcels offered by us. Description is base on favorite flight, but keep in mind you can adjust the flight! Price is without prior announcement reserved. There may be an extra charge for petrol (if available, please refer to the tariff information on the order page).

Make sure to enquire when you book a flight. Max 395 pounds total WACO weigh. Select your adventure & reserve your places! Round trips for 1 or 2 persons - lean back and enjoy the ride! And the longer your flight, the more you can see. And you can also exchange the experiences with a boyfriend!

There are two passengers flying with a 395 pound maximum mass limitation. There is a 8% additional tax on petrol. 1 You-Fly-It Options - You Take Control! Following a short instruction, you can take control and take the plane flying yourself. There is no need for additional training or additional costs. Just one flight per people. Double flight control used.

There is a 8% additional charge for petrol. Fighter pilot expertise! Flying like the old Asse in one of the most historic airplanes of all time. No matter whether you want an adventurous aerobatics flight or a smoothly round flight, you will never ever forgot this one. Enjoy the excitement of the battle's attractions, sound and feel as you drift through the skies behind a large 600 hp Pratt & Whitney turbocharged motor.

"Bogey 11 O'clock High" Feel your body mass being pushed into your chute as you drag through a high-g manoeuvre.

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