Black Cab Cost Calculator

Taxi black cost calculator

All hidden costs are tantamount to the fraud of the customer. About vs. Black Taxi costs Public Transport & Cycling.

About vs. Black Taxi cost

Over tariffs in the UK are based on the following calculation: Expenditure of elapsed £6 (Leeds, Merseyside, Newcastle, Sheffield) or £9 (Bristol, London, Birmingham) per second per second. You will be billed the lowest possible price if your resulting ticket price is below the floor - between £3 and £5 according to the town.

Meanwhile, a Hackney freight rate will calculate a basic rate (£2 in London) plus a mixed kilometre/time fee, whereby you will be billed what is £2. 55/mile (in London), but if you average 10 over a roll cycle of about 20 seconds (varies from town to town). You will be billed 4mph (also slightly fluctuates around this number) or less, which will amount to £26. 50/hour (in London), but there will be no kilometre fee during this amount of inactivity.

On the other side, the Über automobile charges: Another mesmerizing trip, say along five leagues at 50mph, with no traffic: A London taxi: About: Another four-mile approximate travel hypothesis at the mean velocity of travel in downtown London is about 10mph, and that you are ONLY paying a black cab fare as long as you have driven an approximate 10 in each taxiing time.

Overall driving is 24 min at an avarage 10mph and a costly way to do this for the cab is to consider it as 14 min fully fixed and 10 min at 25mph. Over, in the meantime, you're under indictment: It is relatively easy to estimate the overall cost per kilometer for a given mean mileage.

Thats for Uber London: So the cost is only 10% higher at 30mph than 60mph, but 54% higher at 10mph. Thus, a 2-mile trip will cost @ 10mph £6. 80 = £3. 40/mile, but a 20-mile trip @ 50mph will cost £31. 10 = £1. 55/mile, so the cost per miles is actually more than twice as high as the 2-mile trip, due to the basic price.

For the complete listing of fees for London Black Taxis please see: In addition, another fee will be charged that is the same regardless of the date and time: Thus, for a longer trip, say 20 mile @ 40mph, in a single week-end, you would be paying about £65 for a black cab.

The cost for Uber would be about 32 pounds, or half the black cab fee. Over has no firm supplements, but there is a price increase that is communicated to the passengers. My above mentioned analyse shows that a black cabin for a short trip is about 50% more expensive than an over.

It' twice as much for a longer trip. It is therefore unlikely that Uber will be able to compete with the " price surges ". Five miles trip in 40 mins, the over-cost would be £51 (and an extra charge of £4). Others are working on similar prices in other towns, but prices are generally much lower than in London.

About: £3. 25 basis + £1. 30/mile + £9/hour period. £2.20/mile at 10mph, £1.75/mile at 20mph and £1.60/mile at 30mph. In Bristol, for example, a small car for shorter trips (up to about three miles) in low speed is slightly less expensive during the days due to the high basic tariff (although in reality "Keep the Change" could reduce this to zero).

In the evening or during busy periods Uber is less expensive. About: Again it works at £2. 20/mile at 10mph, £1. 75/mile at 20mph and £1. 60/mile at 30mph. During the day, in this case, it is only slightly less expensive in all cases. Significantly better at nights if no overvoltage is assumed.

About: Works as £1. 70/mile at 10mph, £1. 40/mile at 20mph, £1. 30/mile at 30mph. In essence, Über is always less expensive due to the very low basic rate and low kilometre charges - most trips will not significantly cross 6.25 mile within Liverpool. Operates at £2/mile at 10mph, £1. 55/mile at 20mph and £1. 40/mile at 30mph out.

This is 10mph £1. 80/mile, 20mph £1. 50/mile, 30mph £1.40/mile. Here you will probably be saving around £1 on the ticket price with Uber.

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