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Strong currency rates for the US dollars and inter airline rivalry make it a good season to go to the Old World. Only 509 dollars to fly back to Germany, the centre of Europe. August flight! Price from 773 dollars refund for New York-Tenerife in August. Discount deal for the bullish Chicago capitol, September, from $678.

JFK Tel Aviv. This is another great service from the west coast to Europe. A great opportunity to come to Northern Germany. Miami to Sofia bargain, cheap rate. Sofia New York only gets $608 back. miami tel aviv $633 comeback. New York-Moscow bargain. Only $293 back from New York to the Cayman Islands.

Only just started flying directly from New York to Edinburgh, only $451 back. Only $415 to get back to New York-Stockholm. Philadelphia-Rome only 603 dollars back, and in August! August, Boston - Munich. Only $504 returned. in September only $598 back. Chicago London in September only $600 comeback.

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