A Lear

One Lear

Learn definition, learning, instruction, lesson. learning King Lear. On the other side Lamb and Coleridge commended "Lear" as a worldwide masterspiece. Koleridge refers to "Lear" as "the open and spacious children's paradise of nature's passions". Tolstoy unfortunately forgot all the Lear poetic, all the sentences without death.

Shakespeare was anxious to express his own disillusionment and bare poverty in Lear.

At Othello, Lear and Macbeth, he scored an immediate victory.

LEAR (représentant désigné par une personne morale) ? - Turkey in the H2020

LEAR is a natural entity who works in a company (usually an administrator ) and who has the right to change the information regarding that organization, both legally and financially, recorded in the Participant Portal...! The Participant is nominated on a formal basis by the legally authorised representatives (CEO, Rektor, Director General, etc.) of the organisations as part of their involvement in EU-funded activities administered through the Participant Portal in order to carry out certain functions on his or her own name.

It is responsible for managing the organisation's juridical and pecuniary information in the Register of Beneficiaries on the Participant Portal and for providing and updating the lists of eligible individuals in its organisations to conclude support contracts (LSIGN) or annual accounts (FSIGN). LEAR can: consult the legislative and budgetary information of your organization in the "Beneficiaries" Register in the "My Area" section of the Participant Portal - the EU's special (secure) website on financing; ask the Commission to check whether or not this information is updated; supervise whether and when this information is or is not verified by the Commission; supervise all uses of your organization's Participant Identification Code (PIC).

REMINDER: A LEAR is appointed after you have signed up and your organization has been verified on the Participants Gateway. Please note that an organization must be enrolled in the Participants Gateway and have a PIC number in order to be able to apply. There is no need to be validation or to nominate a LEAR before a proposition is actually made.

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