Book Taxi test

Booking a taxi test

Know girls - get a copy of the so-called "Blue Book. Cab Drivers History Test & Drivers License Nidirect Everyone who applies as a taxi cabbie must take a two-part theoretical test before he or she can take the practice test. During the test, what happens? During the test, what happens?

The theoretical examination for taxi drivers consists of two parts: Our multiple-choice question tests your understanding of traffic security and taxi driving and is structured around the following main topics:

You must obtain at least 80 out of 100 multiple-choice marks. You must, however, demonstrate that you have a wide range of expertise in all subject areas by scoring at least 18 points in each of the four subject areas above. In preparation for the multiple-choice part of the theoretical exam, you should point to the following link:

That will test your abilities: Throughout the test you will be shown 14 videoclips showing daily street scene footage. There is at least one development risk in each clips, but one of them contains two development risks. In order to get a high number of points, you have to react to the danger that develops in the initial phase.

For each danger, the max you can reach is five. Therefore, the same risk awareness test is used for all test types. Minimum scores for threat detection tests shall be 57 or more out of a possible 75. Learn more about risk perceptions on the preparation page for the theoretical exam.

Taxi driver's licenses are only granted when all conditions have been fulfilled. If no driving license is obtained, no refunds can be made for the taxi drivers' theoretical knowledge and the taxi drivers' practice exams.

Taxis for Tameside, Stockport, Oldham, Bury, Bolton and Rossendale

Which you MUST have with you for the test: This is your photo card driver's license. When you have an old-style driver's license instead of a photo card, you must also carry a current identity card. If you do not provide them, the test will be canceled and you will forfeit your license fees. Taxi Driver Testing is carried out in your own car and is your own responsability to ensure that it is roadworthy and legally for testing.

Please be punctual for your exam, as the examiner has only 10 min after the exam starts. Your test will expire after this period and there will be no refund. For cancelling or changing a taxi test: In order to reverse or modify your taxi test, you must specify 3 clear working hours, otherwise you will forfeit your charge.

Exceptions are the date of cancellation and the date of your examination. Cancellation of a test will be subject to a 5.00 cancellation charge. Changing a test is free of charge.

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