Cab Cost per Mile

Taxi costs per mile

Looks like the pricing structure you know well from all the miles you've logged in. You can use the information to estimate the next trip with Cab Hound. Look how much a taxi costs per mile in Richmond VA. You can use our fast fare card to find taxi fares for miles around. Out of County Travel (per mile).

Entrico Express Cab " Taxi Cost per Mile in Richmond VA 2018

What would a Richmond cab cost for five miles? No. Five-mile cab rate at Richmond VA is $15. Walking a 5 mile distance is a great way to get from Carytown to Shockoe Bottom. These fares apply to one person travelling between 6am and 9pm. Please top up $1 after closing time for cab travel between 9pm and 6am. For supplemental travel please top up $1 per supplemental person (except for kids under 6).

What would a Richmond cab cost for 10 miles? No. Ten -mile cab trip in Richmond VA costs $27.50. A simple example of a 10-mile journey is a cab ticket from VCU Downtown to Richmond Airport in Sandston.... Please include a $1 supplement after closing time for taxis between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. For supplemental travel, include $1 per supplemental traveler (except for infants under 6 years of age).

What would a cab in Richmond cost for 15 miles? No. Fifteen mile cab trip in Richmond VA costs $40.00. One example of a 15-mile journey is a cab rate from Shockoe Bottom to the Short Pump Town Center.... These fares are based on a per person journey between 6:00 am and 9:00 pm. Please include a $1 per person per day supplement for all cab journeys between 9:00 pm and 6:00 am. For each extra person per journey include a $1 supplement (except for kids under 6 years of age).

What would a cab in Richmond cost for 20 mph? Twenty-mile cab in Richmond VA will cost $52.50. A 20 mile journey is a cab rate from Shockoe Bottom to Ashland VA as a benchmark.... These fares apply to a single traveller taking a cab between 6:00 am and 9:00 pm. Please include a $1 supplement after work for all cabin fares from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am. All extra travellers will be billed at $1 per adult (except for infants under 6).

What would a Richmond cab cost for 25 miles? No. Twenty-five mile cab trip in Richmond VA costs $65. In order to appreciate the distances, a normal 25-mile journey is a cab drive from Shockoe Bottom to Kings Dominion Amusement Theatre in Doswell VA.... For overnight journeys we charge a $1 supplement after closing time for all taxis from 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. All additional journeys are billed at $1 per adult (except for under 6s).

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