chopperThe helicopter is a kind of rotary vane where buoyancy and thrusts of the rotor are delivered. The helicopter can take off and take off upright, float and move forwards, backwards and sideways. This allows the use of a helicopter in overloaded or remote areas where fixed-wing aeroplanes and many VTOL types (vertical take-off and landing) cannot be used.
Helicopter is a reference to the German term helicoptère, Gustave Ponton d'Amécourt 1861, which comes from the original German term Hellix (????) "Helix, Spirale, Wirbel, Faltung"[1] and German term for " Flügel", which means wings. 2 ][3][4][5] German helicopter names contain "Chopper", "Copter", "Helo", "Heli" and "Whirlybird". In the first half of the flying age, the Focke-Wulf Fw 61 1936 was the first helicopter to be designed and manufactured.
A few choppers achieved restricted output, but it was not until 1942 that a chopper constructed by Igor Sikorsky entered series production[6] with 131 planes made. Although most previous constructions used more than one major rotors, it is the individual major rotors with anti-torque rear rotors that have become the most frequent helicopter configurations.
Also tandem helicopter rotors are widely used due to their higher load carrying capacities. Today co-axial helidecks, tilt rotors and composite helidecks all fly. Pioneering quad copter choppers in France as early as 1907 and other multicopters were designed for special missions such as UAVs. Leonardo's "propeller" Only at the beginning of the 80's, when the universal scholar Leonardo da Vinci designed a plane, which can be called a "propeller", every further development towards perpendicular flights was made.
Note that he made small model aircraft, but there was no indication that the rotors should be prevented from turning the ship. 1906 two brother Frenchmen, Jacques and Louis Breguet, started to experiment with wings for heliplanes. Therefore, Gyroplane No. 1 is the first crewed helicopter ride, but not a free or unbound one.
Austria-Hungary developped during the First World War the PKZ, an experiential helicopter prototyp with two constructed airplanes. The early wing edgewings rotor flying experienced breakdowns, mainly due to the imbalance of the taxiing motion at take-off due to an uneven buoyancy between the forward and backward vanes. It had a four-bladed hinged door, but depended on traditional tilt, turn and yaw control.
Built on an Avro 504K hull, the original turning of the rotors was accomplished by the fast unwinding of a cable guided around strokes on the underside of the blade. One of the big problems with the gyro was the drive of the rotors before the start. As well as the spiral cable system, which could bring the rotational number of rotors to 50% of the value needed, several techniques were tried where it was necessary to move along the floor in order to achieve airspeed, while the rotors were tilted in order to achieve autoturn.
A further attempt was the tilting of the rear stabilizer in order to steer the wind shadow of the motor upwards through the wheel. Eventually, the most satisfactory answer was reached with the C. 19 Mk. 4, which was manufactured in several batches; a motor to wheel motor was directly driven, allowing the wheel to be speeded up.
In this case, the coupling was disconnected before the take-off run. The most important was the evolution of variable tilt design for radial steering, first obtained by tipping the wheel and later by the Raoul Hafner, an Australian technician, using a spinning system that acts directly on each wheel.
Our first directly controlled auto gyro was the C. 30, manufactured in series by Avro, Liore et Olivier and Focke-Wulf. It was Focke who developed the world's first handy twin-rotor transversal helicopter, the Focke-Wulf Fw 61, which was first flown on 26 June 1936. In 1937 the Fw 61 set all helicopter record in the history of the helicopter industry and demonstrated a handling performance that had previously only been possible with the gyro.
Nazi Germany used small numbers of choppers for surveillance, transportation and emergency medevac during the Second World War. Flettner's Fl 282 Kolibri Synergy - with the same base as Anton Flettner's own groundbreaking Fl 265 - was used in the Mediterranean, while Focke's Achgelis Fa 223 Dragon twin-rotor helicopter was used in Europe.
Large bombardments by the Allies hindered Germany from manufacturing large numbers of choppers during the Great Patriotic War. As a result, Germany was unable to manufacture them. Igor Sikorsky, an Englishman by birth in Russia, and W. Lawrence LePage were competing in the United States for the production of the US military's first helicopter. The company obtained the patents to design a helicopter modelled on the Fw 61 and produced the XR-1.
53 ] Meanwhile, Sikorsky opted for a casual, one-circuit arrangement, the VS-300, which turned out to be the first handy individual helicopter arrangement. Following experiments with configuration that counteracted the individual rotors' torques, Sikorsky opted for a smaller individual rotors attached to the rear arm.
As LePage and Sikorsky were building their helidecks for the army, Bell Aircraft contracted Arthur Young to construct a helicopter using Young's twin-winged rocker rotors, which used a weight stabiliser rod positioned at 90 to the rotors' leaves. Model 30 Helicopter below demonstrated the simple and user-friendly nature of the helicopter model.
Modell 30 was designed for the Bell 47, which was the first helicopter in the USA to be approved for civil use. The Bell 47, which was manufactured in several different nations, was the most beloved helicopter for almost 30 years. Dependable hovering choppers were designed to provide stability in hovering flights decade after a rigid winged airplane.
Essentially, this is due to higher demands on the output densities of the jet units compared to those of aeroplanes with rigid wings. Fuel and powertrain enhancements in the first half of the twentieth centruy were a key driver in the design of helidecks. In the second half of the twentieth millennium, the advent of light turbine shaft drives resulted in the design of bigger, quicker and more powerful helidecks.
Whereas smaller and cheaper choppers still use reciprocating thrusters, turbo shaft thrusters are the engine of choice for them. Because of the helicopter's operational features - its capability to take off and take off vertical and to float for long durations, as well as the aircraft's low speed capability - it was selected to perform missions that were previously impossible with other planes or that were time-consuming or labour-intensive on the ground. However, the helicopter's operational features were not such as its vertical take-off and landing capability and its low speed capability.
Today, helidecks are used to carry persons and goods, for defence purposes, civil engineering, fire-fighting, search and rescue, tourism, patient care, criminal prosecution, farming, intelligence and communications, and air surveillance. After the Chernobyl atomic catastrophe in 1986, the biggest individual deployment without a helicopter in our entire annals was emergency preparedness. "Helitack " is the use of a helicopter to fight forest fire.
They are used to fight fires from the air (water bombing) and can be equipped with fuel cells or helipads. Helicopter mounted fuel cells are emptied from a tube while the helicopter is on the floor, or a suspended sprinkler drains fresh air from a lake or reservoir while the helicopter floats above the well.
Helsitacks are also used to supply fire-fighters who abseil to difficult places and to supply new fire-fighters. Among the popular fire brigade choppers are versions of the Bell 205 and the Erickson S-64 Aircrane Helicopter. Cops and other criminal justice authorities use choppers to track a suspect. A helicopter can produce a singular air photo, so it is often used in combination with local policemen to provide information on the location and movement of the suspect.
Army personnel use attacking choppers to carry out surface assaults. Those choppers are equipped with rocket launches and mini-guns. Landing helidecks are used to carry armies and provisions where the absence of a runway would make it difficult to fly with a solid winged aeroplane. Using a helicopter to provide a troop to a target is called an "air attack".
UAS helicopter spacecraft of various size are designed by enterprises for defence intelligence and monitoring applications. The navies also use a helicopter fitted with an immersion sonar to fight U-boat war, as they can deploy from small vessels. Petroleum corporations hire choppers to quickly transport laborers and parts to distant offshore drill stations or distant places.
Compared to a boat, the higher speeds make the high running costs of a helicopter economical in order to ensure the continued operation of offshore rigs. To put it bluntly, the rotorsystem is the rotary part of a helicopter that produces uplift. An assembly of wind turbines can be installed either horizontally, such as major wind turbines that supply vertical stroke, or vertical, such as a rear wind turbine, to supply lateral thrusts to counter the torques of the major wind turbines.
Rotors consist of a pole, a boss and rotors. On the top of the pole is the mounting point for the rotors, known as the centre. Rotors are fixed to the hubs. Major Rotor System are categorized according to how the rotors are fixed and move in relation to the hubs.
We have three different models: seamless, fully hinged and rocking, but some advanced rotors use a mixture of these. The majority of choppers have a common primary wheel, but the moment generated by air resistance must be compensated by an opposite moment. Igor Sikorsky's VS-300 was designed with a smaller rear end in mind.
And this has become the most frequent helicopter development setup, usually at the end of a rear arm. Using two or more horizontally rotating blades in opposite direction is another setup used to compensate for the effect of torsion on the airplane without having to rely on an anti-torque rear blade.
As a result, the normal output needed to propel the rear end turret can be transferred to the primary turrets, thereby boosting the lift force of the aeroplane. You can find them on tiltrotoren and some former choppers, which were used then and now. It'?s the turbo propulsion for the Mi-2 helicopter. There' also human-powered choppers.
One helicopter has four flying controls inlets. They are the cycling ones, the group ones, the anti-torque ones and the damper. As a rule, closed-loop controls are situated between the pilot's feet and are generally referred to as closed-loop controls or simply closed-loop controls. The cycle of most choppers is similar to a joytick. The Robinson R22 and Robinson R44, however, have a one-of-a-kind rocker cycle steering system and some choppers have a cycle steering system that drops into the dashboard from above.
Controls are referred to as periodic because they change the inclination of the blade in cycles. This results in the helicopter being tilted in a certain way so that the helicopter moves in that way. Once the helicopter is driven in cycles by the pilots, the disc inclines forward and the helicopter generates forward shear.
Sliding the cyclical to the side, the disc will tilt to that side and generate push in that side, so the helicopter will float laterally. Tilt Steering System or Tilt Steering System is positioned on the leftside of the pilots seats with adjustable drag steering to avoid unintentional movements.
Together the group changes the angle of inclination of all major rotors (i.e. all at the same time) regardless of their positions. So, when a common entry is made, all leaves are changed in the same way, and the helicopter increases or decreases in height as a consequence. Antitorque levers are in the same positions as the oarlock levers in a rigid winged airplane and have a similar function, namely to steer the airplane's nose-direction.
Pressing the treadle in a certain position changes the inclination of the rear blade, increases or decreases the amount of force generated by the rear wheel and causes the lug to move in the treadle-position. Legs alter the inclination of the rear end rotors in a mechanical way, thus changing the amount of generated push.
Hubschrauberrotoren are designed for operation in a small speed area. 69 ][70][71][72][73] The butterfly valve regulates the output of the motor, which is linked to the wheel by a gearbox. It is the function of the butterfly valve to keep sufficient motor output to keep the speed of the motor within the permissible ranges so that the motor generates sufficient stroke for flying.
However, in single-engine aircraft, the butterfly valve actuator is a motorcycle-type rotary handle fitted on the common actuator, while twin-engine aircraft have a performance handle for each powerplant. The swash plate regulates the inclination of the blade. Swash plate travels up and down along mainshaft to alter inclination of both wings.
The helicopter pushes the clearance downwards or upwards according to the pitch of the helicopter. You can also adjust the swash plate angles to move the blade angles forward or backward, or to move the helicopter forward or backward, or to move the helicopter forward or backward. Helicopters have three fundamental flying conditions: hovering, forward flying and the passage between the two.
Floating is the biggest challenge when you fly with a helicopter. A helicopter produces its own squally wind during gliding flights, which works against the body and the aircraft controls. Ultimately, the helicopter will be constantly controlled and corrected by the pilots to keep it where it needs to be.
74 ] Despite the intricacy of the job, the tax input in a hit is easy. It is used to remove float in the vertical axis, i.e. to move forward and backward, right and left. to move the float in the vertical axis. They are used to steer the course or sense the course of the nostrils. The interplay of these elements is what makes floating so hard, since an adaptation in one of the two elements will require an adaptation of the other two, thus producing a continuous corrective cycling.
When a helicopter hovers into forward motion, it takes on what is known as translation buoyancy, which provides additional buoyancy without boosting performance. Such a condition is typical when the speed of air travel is approximately 16-24 kn, and may be necessary for a helicopter to maintain it. During forward flying, the control systems of a helicopter are more like those of a plane with a stationary blade.
Shifting the cyclical forward gear causes the nosepiece to tilt downwards, resulting in an increased airspeed and height drop. Achterlich cyclically this leads to the fact that the nostrils rises, slows down the helicopter and brings it to rise. The coordination of these two entrances, downward collectively plus upward collectively plus upward collectively plus forward cyclically, leads to changes in airspeed at steady altitudes.
Both helicopters and fixed-wing aeroplanes have identical pedal functions to ensure a good balance in flying. Helicopter' primary restriction is its low velocity. There are several possible causes why a helicopter cannot go as quickly as a plane with a solid aerofoil. As the helicopter floats, the external points of the rotors move at a velocity defined by the length of the blades and the rotation number.
However, in a helicopter in motion, the velocity of the leaves in relation to the surrounding atmosphere is dependent on both the helicopter's velocity and its rotation velocity. However, the flight velocity of the advanced pitch is much higher than that of the helicopter itself. However, it is possible that this vane may overshoot the velocity of sonic waves, causing a significant increase in aerodynamic resistance and vibrations.
Simultaneously, the advanced reed generates more buoyancy when forward driving, the retracting reed less buoyancy. When the airplane is accelerated to the velocity at which the tip of the blades rotate, the retracting airfoil travels through the same velocity as the airfoil and generates no buoyancy at all, resulting in very high moment loads on the center wave, which can tilt the retracting side of the airfoil downward and result in lost visibility.
Double counter-rotating knives avoid this problem as they have two advanced and two retracting knives with even force. Due to the fact that the moving air has a higher air velocity than the moving air and creates a hub asymmetry, the rotors are configured to "fold" - raise and rotate - so that the moving air opens and a smaller pitch is developed.
On the other hand, the receding leaf folds down, developing a higher pitch and generating more uplift. In high speed, the power on the rotor is so great that they "fold" too much, and the retracting blades can become too angled and block. Because of this, the maximal forward speed of a helicopter receives a safety mark named VNE, speed, never over.
Furthermore, it is possible for the helicopter to be flying at a speed that blocks an excess amount of the retracting reed, resulting in high vibrations, pitch-up and rolling movements into the retracting reed. In the last years of the twentieth centuries, engineers began to reduce the sound of helicopters.
Municipalities have often voiced a strong aversion to loud air travel or loud planes, and cop and air travel choppers can be disliked, making them somewhat irritating because of the noise. A helicopter also vibrates; an unadapted helicopter can readily oscillate so strongly that it shakes itself apart. In order to minimise vibrations, all choppers have adjustable rotors for altitude and light.
The knife hight is set by altering the inclination of the knife. Mass adaptation is achieved by the addition or removal of masses at the end of the rotors and/or at the end cups. Most commonly used measuring system for adjusting leaf vibrations is the use of a strobe light and observation of varnished marks or colored reflections on the bottom of the rotors.
Traditionally, the low-tech system consists of mounting colored crayon on the tip of the rotors and seeing it marking a canvas. Using a helicopter with a central helicopter with only one primary airfoil, the points of the primary airfoils create a whirling ring in the atmosphere, which is a spiral and circle shaped rotary airstream.
If the towing vertebrae that collide with the rear wheel turn in the same directions, this leads to a drop in push of the rear wheel. If the following vertebrae turn in the opposite sense of the rear wheel, the push is accelerated. The use of the pedal is necessary to set the pitch setting of the rear wheel and to balance these unstabilities.
This problem is due to the fact that the open tailland cuts through the open space around the back of the car. The problem will disappear if the stern is instead led out of the stern with an internally housed wheel in the stern and a high-pressure side stream of compressed inertia, as the primary turbulence cannot interfere with the functioning of an internally housed wheel.
Such a situation can cause a lack of visibility and an accident or severe landings when flying at low altitude because the abrupt unscheduled lack of buoyancy and the available recovery period and recovery distances are inadequate. Like any other driving car, insecure driving can cause lost oversight, structure failure or even death.
Some of the possible dangers for a helicopter are listed below: Tip swivels are circulating from the high head under the disc to the low head above the disc so that the helicopter blends into its own downwardstream. The retreat of the leaf barn is seen during high-speed flying and is the most frequent restricting element for the forward velocity of a helicopter.
Bodenresonanz is a self-reinforcing oscillation that arises when the leading and trailing distances of the vanes of an agile wheel system become infrequent. This is a type of roll-over in which the helicopter swings around one of the runners and "pulls" to its side (almost like a solid plane floor loop). Heckrotor failure caused either by a failure of the rear wheel steering system or by the LTE (Loss of Rear Wheel Effectiveness).
A low speed or " standstill " is when the motor cannot propel the vanes at enough speed to sustain it. Rotors speed that can overload the helical bearing of the rotors (Brinelling) and, if strong enough, causes separate cutting of the airplane leaves. "American Helicopter Society International's 64th annual forum on Cornus Design's aviation aerodynamics, and argued that the airplane lacks the strength and load to take off from the floor in maneuver.
"Helicopters." For various purposes, the term is often mistakenly analyzed from an ethymological point of vie by British spokespersons in helicopters and copters; see "Helicopters". American Helicopter Society, International. Helicopter history moment (9) - Hermann Ganswindt". helicopterhysteriezwo.blogspot.jp. Returned on March 30, 2016.
Returned on March 30, 2016. Returned on March 30, 2016. Returned on March 30, 2016. Former helicopter pistons filed on October 6, 2014 at the Wayback Machine. Withdrawn: September 21, 2014. New helicopter ascends in vertical flight. Helicopter with six blades successful in test. Former helicopter pistons filed on March 5, 2016 at the Wayback Machine.
Withdrawn: September 21, 2014. "Hubschrauberentwicklung im frühen twentieth century". Brought back on November 28, 2007. asboth helicopter. Hungary's first helicopter (1929) on YouTube Retrieved: Former helicopter (G), pistons filed on December 22, 2015 at the Wayback Machine. Withdrawn: September 21, 2014. 1-EA (???? 1-??) first Sovjet helicopter.
Bounced back on March 30, 2016 - via YouTube. Brought back on December 12, 2010. Former helicopter (G), pistons filed on December 22, 2015 at the Wayback Machine. Withdrawn: September 21, 2014. Former helicopter pistons filed on February 7, 2015 at the Wayback Machine. Withdrawn: September 21, 2014. Former helicopter pistons filed on March 7, 2016 at the Wayback Machine.
Withdrawn: September 21, 2014. Bounced back on September 24, 2015. Brought back on December 23, 2009. Brought back on December 9, 2007. Twin Turborotor helicopter. Brought back on December 9, 2007. Brought back on April 15, 2007. Heliventuresnc. com. Brought back on April 1, 2015. Brought back on October 1, 2008. Returned on November 2, 2008. It' s Been a Wild Ride" Rotor & Wing, August 2007.
"to Mars to test the beyond flight." Bounced 2018-05-11. Helicopter yaw control methods. aerospaceweb.org. Brought back on April 1, 2015. Brought back on December 12, 2010. Celebration of the industry's first helicopter fuel flight", shephard. co. uk, 17 June 2010. Brought back on December 12, 2010. Pages 2-11 of our helicopter pilots reports. In a helicopter, the rotation number of the rotors is "constant".
Helicopter. "Helicopter Vietnam. Backed off: Rotors & Wings. p. 48. Brought back on April 12, 2015. Brought back on April 29, 2013. Brought back on April 28, 2013. Returned on February 22, 2014. Helicopter accidents in Hawaii. kauaihelicoptertoursafety.com. Backed off: Returned on April 13, 2018. Brought back on December 12, 2010. Brought back on December 12, 2010. Returned on August 6, 2011.
Marines Corps Combat Helicopter Association (via popasmoke). Brought back on December 12, 2010. Returned on June 5, 2013. Returned on June 5, 2013. Returned on June 5, 2013. Returned on September 10, 2013. Returned on June 5, 2013. Returned on June 5, 2013. Returned on August 17, 2012. Returned on August 17, 2012. It'?s the first electrical helicopter. Returned on August 4, 2011.
Canadian wins the long-awaited $250,000 award for a "pedal-driven helicopter". Returned on February 6, 2014. Story of the helicopter. Hubschrauber and other Hubschrauber since 1907. Wragg, David W. Hellicopters at War : A Pictorial Historical. Check out Wiktionary, the free online lexicon. " - How helicopter Work" Full page that explains different helicopter features and how they work.
In 1935 articles about the early research and developments of heliplanes. "1918 articles on helicopter construction designs. "As the helicopter has evolved." The path from concept to realization took much longer for the helicopter than for the rigid aeroplane.