Private Jets for Sale Europe

Jets for sale in Europe

Consolidation of the best business aviation in Europe. Not only does American Charter Services offer the best aircraft charter, but we also have a variety of private jets for sale. Multiple European AOC operators allowing private jet owners to lease their aircraft commercially.

Sales of commercial jets in 2014

2014 General Aviation Statistical Databook & 2015 Industry Outlook was recently published. GAMA's General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) provides detailed information on the sale of new corporate jets in 2014. In the past year, unit revenue rose by 6.5% compared with 2013 to a figure of 722 aircraft in all.

In 2014 Ecolipse returned to the consumer goods shelves. Your launch of the new Eclipse 500 in 2006 had proven very successful in the lightweight aircraft segment, but in 2009 Ecolipse Aviation filed for insolvency. ECOlipse Aerospace (now ONE Aviation) has purchased the company's asset base and returned the upgraded ECOlipse 550 to aircraft purchasers.

It' s the only twin-engine lightweight aircraft that cost less than three million US dollar and burn only about 54 gal per hours, keeping running expenses low. For more information about the Eclipse 500 in the rental industry, please see this previous review. A number of fractionated airlines are adding this lightweight to their fleet.

Private large cabins continued to be a favorite, as already announced last year, and proved to be Gulfstream's and Bombardier's best-selling private jets. The lease possibilities for these bigger jets are discussed here. The Citation M2 reached a very respectable 46 consignments in its second year of sale. With a price of just over $4 million, this lightweight is competitive.

Further GAMA Statistical Databook 2014 features: Overall deliveries of aircrafts continued the prior-year rate of expansion, rising again in 2014 to 2,454 units of all models sold. In 2014, the overall volume of 24.5 billion US dollars was higher than in 2013, the second-highest number of accounts ever. At 52.2% of overall turnover, the US corporate jet segment still held the biggest position.

In second place was Europe with a 19.5%hare. Revenues from turboprop fell slightly in both North America and Europe. This was largely offset, however, by the increase in our foreign markets, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. In 2014, 603 turboprops were delivered globally against 645 in 2013. The latest predictions from vendors such as Bombardier point to sustained overall expansion in the corporate aircraft segment in 2015 and beyond.

You can find a synopsis of the 2013 markets here and the full 2014 datasheet is available on the GAMA website.

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