Shared Charter Flights
Joint charter flightsWorld' s biggest private air travel and lifestyle community
Charter on call, but only paying for the places you occupy. The only thing you need to do is... Go to the Shift section of the application, click the shuttles you want to change and touch ON DEMAND. Let the application know your preferred travel plan and according to the date and distance, the application will offer you a minimal number of places and an immediate fare for a guarantee ticket.
At purchase, the places left on the ticket are sold to other members, but the first member to make up the service is always assured to travel, whether or not the remainder of the tickets are full. WE GUARANTEE: ALL ON-DEMAND SHUTTLE SERVICES. You can do this on ANY itinerary, on which we provide a JetShuttle? .
Just make your flights between 8 and 20 o'clock. One of our most favorite sites is JetShuttle? Shuttle flights are shared flights of privately operated jets where the user can look for and reserve an already planned battle or build their own shuttle. Flights on all our flights are free of charge for members and are available to non-members at favorable conditions.
We are also planning to further expand our service offering and improve our JetDeal? and JetShuttle JetDeal? offering in our existing marketplaces while continuing to expand our global footprint. Available places are available according to the "first come, first served" principle and depending on uptime. JS acts exclusively as your agents in the organisation of the flights. Public Charter Program seating is governed by the Public Charter regulations included in 14 CFR 380.
Flights are operated by FAA-licensed and DOT-registered airlines. There is no guarantee that prominent people will be present on the boat.
PLADE Anywhere - Joint and exclusive charter for jets and choppers
Do you know that with our tailor-made charter services offered by our charter company Blade Anywhere you can experience the same levels of comfort, styling and accuracy that you experience on your Blue by the Sea flights? Choose your starting point and your goal. When you are looking forrowdsource, plan a trip according to your wishes and we will resell your vacant places in the Blue Apple-applet.
Places that have been purchased will be awarded as credit to your account for your use on any flights organised by us in the near term.