Airfare Booking Sites

fare booking pages

This is the TPG approved list of the best apps for booking airline tickets. Are there different rates on flight booking pages depending on which device or browser you are using? Lots of proof shows that booking sites of air carriers and air ticket lookup machines are offering different fares to different travellers depending on their locations - more precisely, by state. There' s less proof, but much more rumor that carriers are rigging fares according to the actual plane you are looking from (e.g.

an iPhone 7 versus a Galaxy S7 Edge) and even by the web browsers you are on.

It' quite simple to switch the land where you use a virtual private network (VPN) to find lower airfare rates, but is it really rewarding to bother making it look like your iPad is a Surface Per? It' s a matter that has raised more than one readers, so here's what we know - and what we don't - about how airline companies are changing ticketing rates on the basis of your fingerprints.

Air ticket fares are the product of many, many rational things such as how full a plane is, how many visitors look for it and how many flights are left before take-off. Looking for the same flights, you can get different fares within a few moments for many things that have nothing to do with cookie browsing.

In addition, as consumers, we do not really know the real price of a particular passenger on a particular plane at a particular moment in history. Of course, airline companies want to benefit as much as possible from a particular place (the price of which varies greatly until the last tickets sold), and even searching machines take their share.

Obviously, many individuals believe that both the air traffic controllers and the airline companies want to get as much out of us as possible. I am not saying that air carriers that offer tariffs in their favour are a plot, but like plot theory, if one of them turns out to be the truth, it gives credence to the other.

Orbitz, for example, initially shows Apple customers higher rates, as they usually pay 30% more for hotels. It' not that the lower rates are not there, they were just displayed much lower on the schedule. My trouble with my tests over the last few month is that pricing went up and down, but I couldn't match them with browser or device.

Browser in data protection modus (i.e. no cookie or searching history) showed a lower airfare more than half the way to the actual booking. This notorious " this tariff is no longer available " came up on a regular basis and made me think that the airline companies (what they think) are new user who find the tariffs tempting so that they get nearer to a sale.

Kayak disputes in their favour that they use cookie or other browsing information to secretly increase prices: "Cookie or no cookie, it's not possible for us to show different rates to different users," a kayak spokesperson said when we were reporting our results. Plug-ins for web browsers such as User Agent Switcher for Chrome or Firefox can convince most web sites that you are on a Windows computer and not a Macbook, for example.

If you don't have most of the elapsed working hours, it's best to use the best air searching machines and use such a virtual private network to get a discount. Remember that there are much more efficient ways to get low fares than trying to manipulate your web browsers - and you can stop tracking inexpensive airfares to really cut your trip costs.

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