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removed() ; } $('. wj-search.showin-modal-dialog'). removeClass('modal-dialog') ; $('. wj-search.showin-modal-content'). removeClass('modal-content'). removeClass('modal-content') ; $('. {\a6}. remove() ; $('.modal backgrounddrop'). remove() ; $(('body'). css('padding-right','0px') ; $('. modal.showin-modal-dialog'). attr('style', '') ; }

#173381 * Get the flying classes from the parameters and reformat them * Put the flying classes on the widget if the page has in the parameters */ Functions setWidgetParamFromURL() { var travelClass i. e. windows flying classes.

tripClass = widgetParamFormat(travelClass) ; if (tripType) flightSearchClassParamParamFormat. tripType = widgetParamFormat(tripType) ; $('#wj-flight-search-widget'). setWJSearchParameter(flightSearchClassParamètres) ; } Formats Widget-Parameter von url */ Funktion widgetParamFormat(param) { ret. param. replace(/[_-]+/," ").toLowerCase(). replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){ retxt retour txt. charAt(0). toUpperCase( ) + txt.substr(1). toLowerCase(); }); } $( document ). ready(function() {/* Homepage - fills the chosen fly detail in the dialog box*/ /*$('.

tile-results #search-results-div'). bind('click', "a. clickable-div", fonction (evt) { var outerDiv=$( ('. side-gutter') ; var departure = $('#wj-hpdf-departure-city2 option:selected'). text() ; var destination= $(outerDiv).find ("h4"). html (); //var flightType=$( outerDiv).find(".destination"). html(); setInputForSearchPopup('', depart, destination); });*/ /* Sale page - fill in the chosen flights detail in the pop-up mask*/ $('.outer-block'). bind('click', ". outer-block .

lock ieren Sie eine", Funktion (evt) { // var outerDiv = $ ('. block-one') ; // var departure=$ ( ".from-wrap"). html() ; // var destination= $ (outerDiv). find(".too-wrap") |/v = $ (outerDiv).find(). html | ; // var code départition= $(outerDiv) |.find |".from-wrap") html (); // var destinationcode= $ (outerDiv).find(".too-wrap"). html(); //var flightType = $ (outerDiv). find(".destination"). html(); setInputForSearchPopup(evt); }); /* Specifics page - fill the chosen trip detail in the dialog box*/ $('#specialHeroElement').

bind ('click','a. searchFormParam', Funktion (evt) { setInputForSearchPopup(evt); }); $('#specialHeroSliderElement'). bind('click', 'a. findFormParam', Funktion (evt) { setInputForSearchPopup(evt); }); $('#wj-specials-mod-CONTAINER-00'). bind('click', 'a. findFormParam', Funktion (evt) { setInputForSearchPopup(evt); }); /* Other page - fill the chosen trip detail in the dialog box*/ // $('.searchFormParam'). click( function itself (evt) { // var departure=$( (this). data("departure"); // var destination = $(this).

back_wj-search-CONTAINER-00').on(' modal').on(' modal', Funktion () { setSearchPopupClose('s') ; }) ; $('. widget-other-search #wj-search-CONTAINER-00').on(' modal', Funktion (e) {$('.widget-other-search')). hide() ; })

Other pages - Configure pop-up lookup page layouts */ $('. widget-other-search #wj-search-CONTAINER-00').on(' modal', function() { setSearchPopupOpen('w'); $('.widget-other-search'). fadeIn(); }); /* Other pages - Clear lookup page layouts when closing popups */ $('. widgetother-search #wj-search-CONTAINER-00').on(' modal', Funktion () { setSearchPopupClose('w'); }); // #173381 sets the finder widget initially parameter setTimeout(function(){setWidgetParamFromURL();}, 800); funktion multiSearchBoxHome() { if($(window).

cheapflightsearch'). css( {'max-height':'415px':'overflow':'hidden'}) ; } $('#wj-flight-search-widget'). addClass('wj-widget-wide-layout') ; $('#wj-flight-search-widget'). removeClass('wj-widget-main-layout') ; $('cheapflightsearch h3. promo-title.desktop').parent(). addClass('col-0') ; $('. cheapflightsearch').parent(). removeClass('col-6') ; $('#wj-search-CONTAINER-00'). removeClass('col-m-6') ; $('#wj-search-CONTAINER-00').

switchClass ('col-12','col-6') ; $('#wj-banner-CONTAINER-00'). switchClass('col-0','col-6') ; } if('page =='cheap')Ð $('#wj-search-CONTAINER-00'). parent().parent().parent(). switchClass('col-12','col-6') ;$ ('. cheapflightsearch').parent(). switchClass('col-0','col-6') ; } on('click','a[value=Multistop]', multiSearchBoxCheap) ; // Breites Suchfeld zurück zu normale $('. widget-home-search #wj-flight-search-widget'). on('click','a[valeur="One Way"]', function(){normalSearchBox('home')}) ; $('.

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