Last Minute Deals

Last-minute offers

Contact us for more information about our latest offers. Last-minute offers Much of our real estate offers last-minute rebates to fill empty night. To find these rebates is as simple as 1..2.

..3! Please fill in your trip details in the "Find a Vacation Rental" field on this page. When you arrive within 48hrs, call us and ask if we can provide last-minute rebates.

Notice that we can only grant rebates on certain real estate and if a rebate is not available on our website, we cannot grant it by phone. Rebates and promotions cannot be mixed, only the best is valid. One daily Biltmore Estate Pass ($60/day value!) Available all year round!

The Mountain Discovery Pass passes are awarded for each of the above mentioned activities once a week (depending on the season) and are not accumulative. Approvals not used shall lapse every working day and shall be effective only at the time of issue. Mountain Discovery Pass can be used every single night for several rides and every single night for the same ride.

Hopefully you will be able to sample this beautiful taste of Western North Carolina FUN! Reductions must be granted at the moment of reservation.

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Applicable to certain departures only, as indicated on the preceding page. EUR100 must be paid in advance before the rebate can be granted on the reservation. The full amount must be paid 45 workingdays prior to the start of the journey. Rates are per capita per journey Gemini portion (up to Quad portion for High Energy and Discoverer trips).

Discounts refer only to the country share of the journey and exclude all domestic flights, grocery stores and tax. The offer cannot be combined with other discounts. The terms of reservation, as well as the terms of payments and cancellations shall be applicable. Action numbers on the preceding page must be communicated at the moment of reservation; if the action number is not respected, a new offer is required.

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