Multi City Plane Tickets

Air tickets for several cities

Anything you describe is called an "Open Jaw" ticket, and there is a very simple rule for determining whether or not it applies. Anything you describe is called an "Open Jaw" ticket, and there is a very simple rule for determining whether or not it applies. Locate your flight Please fill in your point of origin or your international airports and your destinations. Choose your ticketing option above: one-way, round trip or multi-city. Please click on the calendars to choose your preferred time.

Please note: Air fares are revised approximately every 24hrs. Click on stops, airlines, times or more to view your results. To reorder your departures, click Order by.

The results can be displayed by Best Holidays (a standard order that gives you the best compromise between fare and comfort depending on how long you stay, the number of stations and changes to the airports during your stay), fare, length and departure time. Select a plane for each part of your itinerary. Select how you want to make the booking:

If you click Choose for your ticket(s), you will usually be directed to the airline's website or on-line tour operator to finalise the deal. Occasionally you may be able to reserve tickets for a single journey. As soon as you have purchased a ticket, please call the carrier or on-line tour operator to validate, modify, cancel your reservation or solve any problem that may arise.

Please see the airline's general business policy or the on-line agency on their website for more information. Please note: If your booking cannot be made on-line, you will find telephone booking directions. Once you have searched for your tickets, "Flight insights" offers you possibilities to optimise your travelling experiences. Here you will find advice on booking your tickets, room upgrade, guidebooks and more.

Appointments: Find out which trip data have the best tariffs. When your trip data is inflexible, check out price trend by months or weeks. You can buy your tickets as individual tickets from one or more of our partner airlines. You may see this if you can use it to conserve cash or open more itineraries. When you receive a hint that both tickets can be purchased in a singular purchase from an on-line tour operator, click on the links to go to the website.

Go to the website of the first carrier or of the first on-line tourist office. Verify the fare and buy your first tickets. Instantly browse to the nearest carrier on the website of the agent and purchase the second flight to make sure your second flight is still available. In the United States, if your second tickets cannot be purchased, you can call the carrier to take advantages of the 24-hour reimbursement policy to return the first one.

Please note: If you need to make changes, you may be billed a modification charge for each individual tick. Every carrier has different luggage regulations and charges. Purchasing tickets separately from different carriers may involve receiving and checking luggage, which will take extra processing times, so make sure you do so. When your outward journey is slowed down, e.g. during a stopover or a multi-city journey, you may miss your second one.

For more information about your possibilities, please get in touch with the carrier. You may not see some flight information if: Tours are either out of stock or not available. Charges may differ based on the selected carrier or on-line tour operator choice.

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