Colombo to Batticaloa Flight Time

Columbo to Batticaloa flight time

The airlines adjust the prices for tickets from Colombo to Batticaloa depending on the day and time you book your flight. Travelling from Colombo to Batticaloa through the airways, how much is the distance covered and how much time is needed. So how many flights fly this route? What is the duration of the flight between Colombo, Sri Lanka and Batticaloa, Sri Lanka?

Flying time from Colombo, Sri Lanka to Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

From Colombo, Sri Lanka to Batticaloa, Sri Lanka the flight takes 47 min. That presupposes an airspeed of 500 mbph on a passenger aircraft, which is 805 km/h or 434 kn. Accurate time may differ according to windspeed. When you are traveling, keep in mind to gain more time for the airplane to roll between the gates and the airstrip of the city.

These measurements are only valid for the real flight time. As you try to find out when you reach your goal, you might want to see if there is a time gap between Colombo, Sri Lanka and Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. Flight time is calculated on the basis of the linear flight from Colombo, Sri Lanka to Batticaloa, Sri Lanka ("as the crow flows "), which is approximately 138 mph or 222 km.

Her journey begins in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Ends in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. From Colombo, Sri Lanka to Batticaloa, Sri Lanka your flight heading is northeast (67 degree from north). Flight time computer calculates flight time between points. They use the great circles equation to calculate the driving performance.

Entering an airport, town, state, country or postal code allows you to determine the flight time between any two points. It uses the great circling range and mean air speed of a passenger aircraft to find out how long a normal flight would take. Determine your travelling time to calculate the duration of a flight between different aerodromes, or ask how long it will take to get from one town to another.

Colombo - Batticaloa (CMB BTC) Flights Timetable and fares

SriLankan Airlines' internal flight UL5015 operates within Sri Lanka (CMB to DWO). Departures from Colombo, Bandaranaike on 24 September at 14:00 (14:00) and arrivals at Colombo, Diyawanna Oya on 24 September at 14:15 (14:15). The flight time is 0h 15m. The Colombo line is 0h 15m away. SriLankan Airlines' internal flight UL5015 operates within Sri Lanka (DWO to KDZ).

Flight starts from Colombo, Diyawanna Oya on 24 September 14:30 (14:30) and lands in Katugastota on 24 September 15:00 (15:00). The flight lasts approximately 30m. The Katugastota line is within 15m. SriLankan Airlines' internal flight UL5015 operates the service within Sri Lanka (KDZ to BTC). Flight starts on 24 September 15:15 (15:15) in Katugastota and lands on 24 September 15:45 (15:45) in Batticaloa.

The flight lasts approximately 30m. SriLankan Airlines' internal flight, the UL7009, operates within Sri Lanka (CMB to DWO). Flight starts September 24, 10:00 am (10:00 am) in Colombo, Bandaranaike and reaches Colombo, Diyawanna Oya September 24, 10:15 am (10:15 am). The flight lasts approximately 15m. The Colombo flight link between flight UL7009 and UL5015 is 4h 15m.

SriLankan Airlines' internal flight UL5015 operates within Sri Lanka (DWO to KDZ). Flight starts from Colombo, Diyawanna Oya on 24 September 14:30 (14:30) and lands in Katugastota on 24 September 15:00 (15:00). The flight lasts approximately 30m. The Katugastota line is within 15m. SriLankan Airlines' internal flight, U5015, operates within Sri Lanka (KDZ to BTC).

Flight starts on 24 September 15:15 (15:15) in Katugastota and lands on 24 September 15:45 (15:45) in Batticaloa. The flight lasts approximately 30m. SriLankan Airlines' internal flight, ul7009, operates within Sri Lanka (CMB to DWO). Flight starts September 24, 10:00 am (10:00 am) in Colombo, Bandaranaike and reaches Colombo, Diyawanna Oya September 24, 10:15 am (10:15 am).

The flight lasts approximately 15m. The Colombo line is within 15m. SriLankan Airlines' internal flight UL7009 operates the service within Sri Lanka (DWO to KDZ). Flight starts September 24, 10:30 (10:30) in Colombo, Diyawanna Oya and lands September 24, 11:00 (11:00) in Katugastota. The flight lasts approximately 30m.

The Katugastota flight link between flight TL7009 and TL5015 is 4h 15m. SriLankan Airlines' internal flight UL5015 operates the service within Sri Lanka (KDZ to BTC). Flight starts on 24 September 15:15 (15:15) in Katugastota and lands on 24 September 15:45 (15:45) in Batticaloa. The flight lasts approximately 30m.

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